Sunday, a better weather day than Saturday. What did I do? Oh. . . you know. But I DID got to my mother's in the afternoon, so there's that. I hadn't bathed for going on three days. I hadn't taken a walk. I'd barely moved.
"Maybe something is wrong with me. I don't know. I wasn't sad or depressed or anything. I kept thinking I'd leave the house, but I just didn't. When I drove over here, people were out and milling about everywhere. The Boulevard looked packed with happy people. The kids are back for the start of the term at Country Club. Everyone looked like they were having fun. Maybe it depresses me to go out around so many happy people. . . maybe I don't want to get dressed. . . I don't think, you know, that anyone is happy to see me."
Then my mother told me about my cousin's husband's brother who is a full-on alcoholic. He was dying, living in a cheap motel in North Carolina when the family got a call from someone who had helped him cross the street and get back to his room. Nobody knew where he was at the time. His mother had died and he had one hundred thousand dollar inheritance due him. So my cousin and her husband bought him a bus ticket to come stay with them. Not them, but their ne'er do well son who was renting a cheap two bedroom apartment. They were going to charge him a lot of money to stay there and take care of him. They helped him at first, but now he just lies in bed for days.
"He says he's depressed," my mother said, "and that he just wants to die."
I laughed and pointed to myself.
"You don't want to die, do you?"
"No, no. . . not at all. I'm not depressed, either. I'm laughing about just hanging around the house. No, I am fairly content."
Then she began telling me that she thought she got depressed this holiday season.
"Nobody comes to see me. I'm just alone."
Which kind of pisses me off seeing that I am there for an hour or more every fucking day. And what she is saying is not true. She gets phone calls and visits every day from neighbors and friends. She complains about being on the phone with one woman for hours. She says with some disdain that one or another of her neighbors came over "and stayed for an hour." People come out from her church to see her.
She has a friend who is a little younger who keeps falling and isn't able to get up. She drags herself across the floor and dials 911. This has been happening a lot.
"She complains that she can't get anyone to come in and help her, but she doesn't want to pay anyone."
"Why would anyone want to come give her baths and clean her house and wipe her butt. . . I mean, she is not interesting or good looking or even very friendly. What the fuck is wrong with people? Would you want to go help her?"
She has a family that barely talks to her, two daughters and a son. They don't help.
And that is how I left my mother's house, stinking from a weekend sitting in front of the computer, listening to music, reading, and not watching t.v. I wanted to watch t.v. I wanted to see Nikki Glaser's opening monologue to the Golden Globes. But I have cancelled cable t.v. and have yet to buy rabbit ears, so I can't get the networks and I don't subscribe to Paramount. I spent half an hour looking online for ways to watch, but I found nothing. No matter, I thought. I didn't want to watch anything but the opening. I would be able to do that Monday morning on YouTube.
And that is what I did when I got up today. Tame. She wasn't going to say fuck it like Ricky Gervais. She wasn't successful enough for that. So she tiptoed around the room like a cocktail party host.
I can't blame her.
I watched the opening, then I got sucked into watching some of the award speeches. Jesus Christ, I can't believe people like to watch that stuff. A lot of stupid people trying to be grateful and profound. Demi Moore's speech sent me over the edge. And Adrienne Brody's speech was even schmaltzier.
But there is no underestimating the taste of the masses. Especially their taste for the new.
"Oh my god, have you seen the new reports on drinking alcohol? They are saying now that no alcohol is good for you, that even a little causes cancer!"
WTF? Really? You thought that drinking was good for your health? Did you think all those fuckers at the bar were health food junkies? That hangover you had, you thought that was just alcohol healing you? Did you ever look at he label of a Peroni bottle? That guy doesn't look like the epitome of health, does he?
"Have you ever tried those CBD cocktails? That's what all the kids are doing now, They don't drink alcohol."
Yea. CBD is good for you, sure. So far. It's been around for a decade now. Lots of studies on what it does to the body. . . wait. . . no there aren't. So sure. . . it has to be good for you. But young people are dying of cancer at an increasing rate. Hmm.
Doctors know that the best medicine is exercise. The first impactful study was done looking at bus drivers and conductors in Britain in the 50's or 60's--I can't remember. They looked at one thing--heart attacks. Drivers died much earlier than conductors at an incredible rate. It was the difference between sitting and standing. That started the bevy of studies that have increased exponentially over the years.
"A little exercise goes a long way. You don't need to train like an Olympian. But, you know. . . HIT training is such better. You do need to stretch every day, too. And meditate. One minute of meditation is great. Just listen to your breath. But twenty minutes is better. You don't need 10,000 steps a day. It is better if you walk at a quicker pace. The further, the better. You need more protein than you are probably getting, but don't try getting it from meat. Legumes, nuts. . . but watch your calories. It is the fiber that is important, but you need two servings of fermented food every day, too. There are only five exercises you need to do to to live longer. Don't try to overdo it. Semaglutides have been shown to have many benefits, but some people. . . . "
So, hey. . . did you hear? If you have even one drink of alcohol, your chances of getting cancer increases!
People are just batshit crazy, I think.
Yea, I looked at the Red Carpet shit, too. I'm as looney as anyone.
I'll get out of the house today. I'm going to take a walk and go to the gym and not drink and be young forever. Then tonight, I'm going to the Little League Wrestling place to take some photos. Look at me, living the dream.
No matter. . . the music keeps playing. It is good and hypnotic. I'm certain the right music can make you healthier. Not electronic music or rap, though. They probably cause cancer.
Can you imagine Peggy Lee as a young singer today? She'd be killing it. Let Trailer Swift try this.
But Amy Winehouse could have, but that didn't work out quite right for her, did it? Who knows? She didn't have to get old and stay in the house away from the world like some aging movie star from a bygone era.