Monday, December 7, 2015

New Studio

Soon to be my new studio.  It all works out.  I've been packing things up, but I am the worst at that in the world.  Much stuff will simply have to go to the dumpster.  I don't have room for it anywhere.  I may sell the printer, too.  And so it goes.  Whatever I do, it must be quickly.  There are deadlines to meet.  

And there is a factory whistle to answer, too.  It is grey and damp and cool, and I would rather stay in bed for a long, long time.  But life is not that way, and so. . . I'll do what I must.  

Waiting for better times.  


  1. Come out come out wherever you are!!!

    We used to love hide & seek. Man. I hate to be nostalgic it is so uncool. ( Is it still uncool?). I wish nostalgia wasn't so disliked. (Or maybe it has come around again and I missed the whole cycle being stuck in some literary graveyard?) Anyway...

    Today I spoke at the Osterville Rotary Club and had my free lunch. It was so awful. I'm probably going to join. So many crazy things happened in the one hour of that meeting. There are a couple of issues I am now having to consider, however. As of this evenings processing of events.

    I am not too down with the whole pledge to the flag thing and the prayer before eating and singing "America" before the meeting. Before I join, I'm DEFINITELY going to ask if a Muslim joined would there be any objection to saying their prayer also before every meeting. I should probably also ask if they accept new members who don't pray or sing or pledge but will stand respectfully throughout the opening service. There is so much to consider.

    And after I get my answers on those couple of things I'm going to also ask if the good ole boys sitting at the back table always think it is okay to talk and laugh with each other during the speakers presentation --'cause I am just not sure I could tolerate much of that without saying something and that might upset the club which seems very well behaved. Perhaps I was just incredibly boring though most seemed to enjoy what was going on. There were lots of questions.

    Though on my way out I did mention to the Rotarian Secretary who is related to a woman who I know through the kids, about their rudeness. She said "I know but do I shussh them?"

    I thought to tell her "No, just make an announcement at the beginning of your next meeting that we shouldn't have to be reminded that our speakers are making time out of their day to visit and even if they are horrid and boring, we should all refrain from talking at our tables to each other during their presentations. Come early and socialize then or make plans to see each other later."

    We'll see.

    So I smoked a big fat joint after dinner (probably not very rotarian of me) and I made a bowl of Oikos Triple Zero Banana Cream Yogurt (if you haven't tried that brand - creamy and delicious) chopped up a clementine, threw it in, sprinkled cinnamon and a little bit of red chili pepper on top and then dunked in 3 pieces of dark chocolate flavored with chili.

    Oh I could go on and on. But it's awful how much I talk (or type) when stoned.

    Well that's it. Diary Entry 12/09/15

  2. Couple more things to engrave in the ether.

    I got my notice for jury duty today. Do you know how many times I have been called for Jury Duty in my life? I've even served on a Federal Jury? For 5 Days in Boston (it was fantastically interesting and it is quite possible I've documented that experience here all ready).

    And. I watched Charlie Rose last night. It was male media dudes and one female law professor discussing the Donald. More than a few of the MMD said they thought he would win the nomination or at least cause enough of a problem to have Romney/Ryan rise from the dead like a couple twin Jesus' (though Mitt is a Mormon. Aren't they your people? Did I read that here?). Do Mormon's await the coming of Jesus or are they the ones who have someone like Joseph Smith come and save the world? Anyway. It was sickening thinking about all of it.

    We can't have any of them. Not one single one of them. Pray to the Alien Jesus.

  3. I've always figured you for a Rotarian. :)
