Saturday, December 12, 2015

Slowing Down

The days are tropical, the nights pleasant.  There is no winter this year.  But winter is coming.  It will come in cold, hard blasts.  I will predict record temperature shifts during twenty-four hour periods.  Then it will warm again, and things will be strange.  Trust me on this.  I'm omniscient, almost.

I am slowing down.  Wayyyyy down.  I am very tired and want to do less of everything.  It is fun to go slow.

I will take a walk now in the pleasant morning and try to do nothing all day.


  1. I'm listening to Counting Crows, "Sullivan Street," right now. Do you have strong feelings about the Counting Crows. I love them. I decided after a while.

    I did Christmas shopping at the Good Will and a business friends shop (he does 50's - 80's) stuff, today. It was great great fun. I got my son a couple of very good gifts - and his girlfriend too. I bought him a record store (remember those) promotional poster for the Sid & Nancy:Love Kills Movie Soundtrack. It has thumbtack holes where someone had it posted up. I liked that but the framer seemed to want to block them out - I said no I want to see those holes or him to see them - float it. So it is going to be floated on a black mat with a hot pink frame. The poster has some very hot pink in it - it isn't matching but close enough to be just off and cool. I think. The poster was $50 (with a $30 credit for trade in a mint in box tin wind-up from Japan army tank with gun and a pink rabbit who claps cymbals in a box from prolly 60's) and the frame job was $250 with a coupon.

    At the GoodWill I got some super vintage high ball glasses for my son who likes barware and nice art-glass type martini glasses -- all different not cheesy- nice and a highball for my mother who drinks Manhattans (at least 1 used to be 2 every evening - made with Southern Comfort).

    And a few other things but I just looked up and realized - I'm babbling. Second night home alone and stoned. :)

    Diary Entry 12/13/15

    1. I liked a few Counting Crows songs. I think I had a CD. Hmmm. . . a Southern Comfort Manhattan, eh?
