Saturday, February 13, 2016

Another Snapshot of People I Don't Know

Again. . . I really forgot that photography literally meant "writing with light."  At least with film, you can't shoot in the dark, and the factory is taking up all of my day time.  So after work, I head to the studio. . . no, wait. . . I have no studio now.  It is difficult to be a film photographer with a day job.

But I got something exciting in the mail yesterday.  I ordered a beater lens on eBay.  Got it for $48.  It is an old Nikon manual focus 24mm lens.  Nikon, unlike Canon, lets you use old heritage lenses on the new digital cameras, so I mounted it on my D700 and snapped some frames at home.  Magic!  In college and after, that was the only lens I used.  I haven't shot with one in many years now and had forgotten how much it matches my vision of the world.  Those few frames brought me back to it.  I was jumping up and down like a kid.  And let me give you a bit of advice.  At wide angle, manual focus lenses are a breeze and much, much cheaper than the autofocus ones.  The incredible depth of field assures you that almost anything will be in focus. I will make a little walking safari with this camera and lens today just to see if I can match my old way of seeing.

One night, drunk, I was texting with Q and he convinced me to buy a Nikon 50mm f1.4 lens, too.  I didn't need it, but I found one cheap on eBay and bought it in a frenzy.  Immediately, I had buyers remorse, but now that it is here, I like it.  I also have a 35mm lens for the camera, too, so I'm rather back in digital business, I think.  Good enough.

But the Hassie is my baby for now.  It will stay with me all the daylight hours this weekend.  And I have a light meter now, so exposures might be better.  I must give you all a heads up, though.  There are free apps that you can download that turn your camera into a light meter, and they are pretty darn good.  You really don't need to spend $300 on one made simply to measure light unless you are working with strobes.  And you won't be doing that, so if you need a light meter, just download one.

Smartphones are everything.

I took a chance with some women yesterday and talked about Shrillary Clinton.  To my surprise, they agreed.  I was surprised because the are feminists and plan to vote for her.  They agree with much she says, but they, too, think she sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

"Can you imagine her being your mother?"

"No wonder Bill seems so nice."


Nobody blames her, of course.  Everyone respects the fight she's fought.

And everybody thinks she will take anybody's money.  What she will do for it is a matter of contention.

But if she does not go to prison before the election, she will be the next president of the United States.

The Koch Brothers just gave her a bunch of money.  But they did the same for the Bundy nuts.  Those boys got 'em some serious kink.

The little hipster is still asleep.  The cat is, too.  Sunlight tumbles through the half open blinds to make sweet patterns on the furniture, floor, and walls.  Camera gear litters the tabletop.  A day of possibilities stretches out ahead.  Sometimes that is too much.  Sometimes not.  I will try today to be happy with whatever fortunes fall my way.


  1. First off Happy Birthday from your Dear Internet-One Time I Sold Two Pieces of Your Art-Daily Reader-Fan-Critic-Oft-Stoned Commenting Buddy ..... xo

    Hey! All Camera-y-like you are. Yay you.

    Also. I have colored my hair several shades of steel gray and various shades of lavender/purple etc. Everyone keeps telling me about a commercial in which two old ladies do such a thing after seeing a couple of hot young chicks with same. I have not seen it but think I will google it tonight. I did it because I could. And wanted too. I don't work in an effing Law-Firm or Company. And if potential clients don't like me because for the next 6 weeks or so I will have a violet tint to my hair - well - we probably shouldn't be clients together. But it is amazing what people are willing to say to someone. I love it. For now. I've been going to my hairdressers house weekly working on the right "look" touching up, adding, etc. I think it is almost perfect right now except I've asked to to run a few hot pink threads through the underneath longer layer :O -- I go to her house now instead of the salon. We get stoned (surprised) I drink wine and she does my hair. Her various friends come and go. Last night I met a very young (26) year old gay massage therapist. We had a moment of "The Bridget Jones Diary" then he told me he was voting for Trump. I said some very terrible things to him after he said that - but I was only repeating what I had JUST said to the Poet on the Phone about Trump. I said "Trump's popularity for President is a first hand look at the failure of the American Education System. We've been teaching kids the message of "Zero Tolerance for Bullies" for years and years now. And a 26 year old gay dude tells me he's voting for Trump??? WTF.

    I got a sale on a very special street in Cambridge. It's a good one for me. Big People who live among other Very Big People. Furniture acquired from the French Consulate in Manhattan because their friend was a decorator who did photo shoots and got the in about the "re-do" kinda stuff. It's a funky/traditional vibe. Point. She hired me and I definitely have purple hair.

    I've bought my tickets to Paris/Aix it's done. I shouldn't be going. I should be staying home running my business in the first weeks of Supposed Spring. But, off I go. And I don't do heart transplants, etc. So I'm sure it will all work out. I have to get my mother to Florida - she is my worry. Heart Attack and All. Being so Far Away and Such.

    Ok. Tonight's weather according to the Weather App is in Centerville it is 4 Feels Like -16.

    Anita? I'd love to know where you are in this Freeze - must be colder up there ... and hope you are well and thank you for the kind wishes for my mother. They meant a lot to me.

    Where was I? Oh. You don't need the rest of the shit that goes along with the days. I just worked out to my 80's Alternative Station. I don't know why people hate the 80's. There is some very good stuff in there.

    Here's my Happy birthday Song. It always makes me dance as I did just a bit ago . It's a love song and I always loved it. I don't think it has Birthday written inside but I like to think it would appeal to your Soppy Girl Side.

    Here's to another year "Spinning on the dizzy edge..."

    1. Thank you for the birthday wish. And Happy V'Day :)
