Saturday, April 2, 2016


(Lilya Corneli)

I just found this photograph framed and lying on top of a shelf.  It used to hang, but I remember now the maids knocking it down long ago and it has been hidden from view and forgotten for years now.  It is hanging, once again, in place.  Lilya Corneli gave this to me many, many years ago along with a number of other photos.  I have, perhaps, too many of her images hanging in my house, but I am going to consolidate them to make room for other things I want to hang in the next few weeks.  I haven't anything of my own hanging in the house.  I don't know if that would be too self-centered or narcissistic or if I should go ahead and hang a couple.  I want to print three of the surf series in a larger size and frame them well to hang together in the t.v. room and maybe one of the more provocative one in the bedroom.  I have some great things by Nathalie Roze and by some other photographers that I want to hang.  Decorative stuff.  I have a beautiful image by Slava Pirsky of his daughter Alex that I haven't gotten framed yet.  I will set about doing that this week.  I have never gotten the images promised me by Ed Ross.  I may bug him to see if I can get them.  And I have framed images by Ellen Rogers that I may get hung today as well.  

I wanted to work outside today, but the day is gray with a slow drizzle.  That is all I need to put it off.  I am a lazy man in most ways.  The low light that comes through the shutters is a soft whisper telling me to do little but eat and drink and read and watch movies and hold hands.  It would be wrong not to listen.  You cannot fight the weather.  


  1. Hang a bunch and enjoy looking at them. There, you have permission.

    I learn a lot from studying my own work. A few I love so much that I would have trouble selling them. The rest are like adult children still living at home. They could use a little nudge out the door!

  2. We arrived in Aix today. You should see this apartment.... yikes its Good.

    We went to this exhibit before leaving the city:

    Some excellent quotes about photography to share but not now. They are written in my journal which is on the table and I'm in bed. One Man Ray photo of Rrose was there too.

    Yes of course it is narcissistic but Picasso lived surrounded by his work. I adore those photographs of him sitting in his home stacked with books, things from nature, plates of fruit, jugs of wine, etc. Leave some unhung and propped against the wall ... so visitors can flip through them. But maybe you are going for a neater organized look.

    Regardless, be bold hang them.

  3. This was the quote that greeted us:

    "As the photographic industry was the refuge of every would-be painter, every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies, this universal infatuation bore not only the mark of a blindness, an imbecility, but also had the air of a vengeance." Mr. Baudelaire 1859

    "[...] but why should not the camera artist break away from the worn out conventions, that even in its comparatively short existence have begun to cramp and restrict his medium, and claim the freedom of expression which any art must have to be alive?" Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1913

    Stieglitz: Can a photograph have a significance of art?
    Duchamp: [...] would like to see it make people despise painting until something else will make photography unbearable.

  4. O.K. I did it. They are "well-hung."

