Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spectacular Ending (Regular Season)

They were dancing in the streets last night!  Kobe scored sixty points in his last Mamba dance in the NBA.  Meanwhile, the Golden State Warriors set a new NBA record for most wins in a season.  Give me a drink and let's get to partying.

People want to be distracted from the horrors of the everyday world.  There are many.

I got two rolls of film back from processing yesterday.  I was anxious to see the images, of course.  Out of the twenty-four, one of them is almost O.K.  I can't seem to make an interesting picture any more.  I am not sure what is wrong.  I have improved technically.  I mean I can make decent exposures and I am able to approach strangers pretty well now.  Beyond that, though. . . there is little.  I have some ideas, but it all takes a lot of work, and I already have a lot of work.  I miss the studio terribly, but I have to get over it.  This is the new reality.  Achieve or be forgotten.

I have been mostly forgotten now.  As it should be.

If I were to guess, I'd say that this picture was taken the day the Chicago Bulls set the old NBA record for most wins in a season in the late '90s.  It must be in our genetic composition.  People do much the same thing when they see a camera.  The kid didn't even need a beer.  Probably.  Maybe.

I don't know.


  1. I've fallen in love with the work of Foujita. I think I loved the work briefly once before but not long or deep enough.

    I think I want one of nudes tattoo'd. It would be an intricate piece. Anyway, no (well maybe). I just got one to honor Paris. Found something on Paris sidewalk. It is graffiti but so lovely - it is the word "Amour" with a simple circle & dot decoration on top of the words. Perfect.

    Anyway. I missed being high.

    I drank Japanese Scotch at the apartment of the clients, D&P, Nikka, it was called. We had a way Parisian evening with them in Montparnasse.

    Ok. I'm scrolling back up to remember what you wrote about today, I read it this morning but you know, I smoke a lot of pot and there's only a certain amount of room in my head for stuff,

    Ok. Remember now.

    "People want to be distracted from the horrors of the everyday world. There are many. "

    Such a dagger to this mostly ever-hopeful heart. Of course, that statement is only half-way true, right? Because there is another half right? The Light. We are still Yinged & Yanged, I want to believe.

    But we don't hear or pay attention or celebrate enough about the Light 'cause course, the Horrors make more money and spread so much Fear. Gotta stop, look around and find the Light sometimes while all the while the Horrors are blaring from all corners.

    Yes. People want a way out of the Horrors but also they want a way into the Light.

    That's why we need more art & music, more Amour. Get on it.


  2. Good God I love him. He's a disease.
