Tuesday, July 17, 2018


The world is too weird for me now.  Trump is a genius.  He has liberals siding with America's intelligence agencies.  We're pulling for a porn star/stripper to bring him down.  We're a hell of varied menagerie.

My Zen didn't last long.  My mind began devouring itself around 2:30 last night.  There is no stopping it.  It has become Jabba the Hutt--insatiable.  In the darkness, I think there is no way to survive.  In the morning. . . just one thing at a time.

Of all the things I've lost, my self-confidence. . . yada, yada, yada.

I never mentioned the first roll of film I shot with the Olympus XA4 I was so excited about.  It sucked.  Not the camera.  It worked fine.  But there wasn't a single image I would pretend to use for any purpose on it.  Since I got the film back, the camera has stayed in the bag.  I figure that if I want to be a good photographer, I better by another camera.  Right?  That's how you get to be a great artist.  You just have to keep buying things.

Having not slept, I lay in bed too long this morning and now must make myself start the day.  I have been desperately lazy for days and have gotten nothing that I needed to do done.  I looked it up.  It is called a "malaise."  I have it, I am certain.

It is nice to write to you in the mornings, though.  You are my only friends.  You are all I have.

(Oh, the poor old fucker.)


  1. Mike Disfarmer. Did you see the video on Daily Motion. About halfway through it jumps into a commercial. Died in 1959. They show his studio all falling to pieces. I don't take a day "off" but rather take a day to do what I love with no interruptions. The tuesday rule is to stay in my nightgown. An over-sized t-shirt so I could grab a box from the ups guy if I wanted the contents bad enough! Don't answer the phone. Today I am stringing these marvelous czech beads. An absolute dead ringer for turquoise. I think the answer to life is find what you love doing and then do it no matter what. You are almost ready to retire. Get yourself ready to do something marvelous!
