Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Beware The (Ideological) Puritans

I've been trying to find a photograph to use today for too long now.  My extensive library, however, is at my house which is not where I live at present.  Disadvantage me.  I don't have a thing.

But wait!!!  I've just gone back into some old text messages.  Yes, there are images there.

I have nothing to write about, either.  Working, exercising, eating.  And, for a couple days now, not drinking.  These are not inspiring topics.  I might write about weight loss and the troubles therein, but that is stupid talk.  I could speak of the things I think, but they are all taboo now and can only get me in trouble.  It is like that with a lot of my pictures, too.  Today you either have ideology or religion.  The young are Ideological Puritans and have the same fervor for punishment as their religious counterparts.  Punishment, I think, is the woof and weave of our country.  We are all about it.  We kid ourselves that we are kind, and I have even been fooled for short periods of time, but as a general rule, we have never been that.  We used to export entertainment.  You know, Michael Jackson and all that.  Wait--did we punish Michael?  Well, we let the rich get away with more for awhile.  But Little People like us. . . we must watch our steps.  Even a picture like this is trading on shaky ground.  And the meanness and small spiritedness of our country is catching fire around the world.  It is a World of Hate and Twisted Thinking.

I, however, will lose ten pounds.  There is that, and that is something.

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