Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Empire Room

Boy--a lot has happened here since last I wrote.  But that is the nature of vacations. . . or staycations, as is the case.  My library/t.v. room is nearing completion.  It is the most beautiful room I've ever seen, and the most comfortable.  The gardens are growing and the potted plants are happy.  Ili and I went to a giant antiques place and were overwhelmed, but I bought six small lithographs matted and framed in matching silver and gold.  They have gone over the mantle in a neat row.  I'd guess that they are from the early 20th century.  The old chairs and couch and a wool rug or two have been steam cleaned and look fresh and new again.  We've gotten rid of some things and rearranged others.  I am comfortable as I can be.


A treat.  I made a pot of rice for dinner on Sunday that nobody ate, so Ili decided to make a rice pudding.  It is the best thing I've ever eaten.  I am mad for it, but it is dangerous.  I am trying to be prudent, but there is a big container full.  I must exercise considerable restraint.

Rehab continues, and I slowly progress.

But the real find so far this week has been the 1958 t.v. show, "Peter Gunn."  This will get me into deep shit, I'm sure, for you are no longer allowed to be enamored of such things.  It is part of the dull, exploitive past, patent patriarchy and the male gaze and everything else.  But the first episode of the first season hooked me.  I'm sure I will grow bored, but truly, it was the jazz.  Here.  Watch it for yourself and see.  But if you don't want to, just skip ahead to 5:19 and watch Lola Albright sing.  You can just watch that.  I love her delivery, her notes, unexpected and seemingly a little naive, but really, sophisticated, you know?  The music in every episode I've watched is great.  There is wonderful camerawork for the time, too.  Some of it reminds me of Hitchcock and Welles.  And Craig Stevens (aka Peter Gunn) might remind you a little of a middle aged Cary Grant in his movements and delivery.  Seems he might have been playing that, anyway.  But watch it for yourself.  If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch all three seasons.

I now call the library The Empire Room.  It is a definite throwback to a clubby Victorian colonialism.  For that, I think, I will be soundly criticized, too.

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