Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A.C. Blues

A.C. went out just as the sultry air came.  Slept last night on top of the sheets, arms and legs akimbo, fan on high.  It did not get cool in the night.  I will sleep at my mother's tonight.  The air conditioning bandits come to install a new a.c./furnace tomorrow.  Big project.  I have to stay home from the factory to watch them. . . and to pay what is getting perilously close to ten grand. 

The roofers say they have found and fixed the leaks.  I'll have to wait for the next big storm. 

All this adulting sucks. 


  1. Excerpt from “Fat Southern Men in Summer Suits” by Liam Rector

    In the high school I attended (it was a matter
    Of honor). And it still puts me in good humor
    To abide with the many pockets, including

    One for a flask. So whether it’s New York,
    Vermont, or Virginia, the spectacle
    Of the summer seersucker proceeds,

    Suspenders and all, and I lean into the sweat
    (Right down to where the weather really is)
    Until it has entirely soaked through my jacket.
