Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thinking about those workers and about those gym boys.  Great difference there.  The main one is that the gym boys were lazy.  Really lazy.  They could work out a couple hours a day, but they didn't want to work.  Many were bouncers in clubs and strip clubs.  Some were bartenders.  Most were scammers of one kind or another.  They lay by the pool getting tan.  They ate lots of protein and worked out.

There were only a handful of fellows who actually had a day job.

One who did--let's call him Earl--was an ironworker.  He was a big fellow, probably 6'4", close to 280.  And he was ugly.  I don't mean unattractive.  I mean hard to look at.  He seemed to slobber from the corner of his mouths the way some breeds of dog do.  He'd been in Vietnam like some of the others who came to the gym.  And like the others, it had effected him.

Earl lived in a trailer on the very outskirts of town on a dirt road.  He may have been married.  I don't know.  But he had a cat.  He said that cat was the only thing he had ever loved in his life.  He told a story about a fellow who lived further down the road who drove very fast by Earl's house.  Often.  One day, Earl was waiting for him and stepped out into the middle of the road as he approached.  The driver was forced to stop, and Earl went around to the driver's side, leaned into his window, and said, "That cat is the only thing I have ever loved.  If you run it over, I'll kill your wife and kids."

That was all he said about it.

Earl was known to be something of martial artist.  He practiced karate.  But he was big.  He had a big gut, and he was mostly into strength.

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