Saturday, December 28, 2019

More Gloom

The gloomy weather continues.  I am worse.  I made a mistake this morning and read the news.  There is a nine degree above average heat blob of water in the Pacific Ocean.  The climate is turning against us.  Putin, the Russian scientist, says that many things cause climate shifts.  A slight change in the tilt of the earth's axis, he says. . . .  Yes, Putin and his colleague Professor Trump have studied the problem and cannot say that humans are effecting the climate.  Maybe some, but we don't know how much.  It's a big universe.

This photo was taken in '78.  See?  The weather was bad.  There has always been bad weather.

This is a photo to make your heart sink.  Why would I have taken such a photograph?  It makes you wonder if Eggleston ever had a happy day in his life.  He seems to find beauty where there is no joy.

And then there is Arbus and Winnogrand and the rest.

Maybe I should cast my eye in a different direction.


  1. Earth Shoes. Wow. I remember those. I wanted a pair - I think I finally got them. That was a long time ago. I love zooming in - look at those long cars - sort of long like the banana seat that was popular for bikes. Remember going to the bike shop to get your new birthday bike? Ok. I'm stoned and alone - everyone has gone to sleep. I can't sleep. It seems. Ever. Anymore. I have also eaten an infused gingerbread cookie. And I'm drinking "Sleepy Time" tea.

    Let's see how the rest of the night goes....

    We are still holiday-ing here on Cape Cod. I've had some work but had a good stretch of time off. Tomorrow we will head up to Provincetown for the day. They leave on the 31st. Which has me a little sad - they usually stay through New Years. We usually go to First Night in Sandwich. Boat parade, fireworks - you know.

    It will be a lonely second holiday of the season. My new good friend leaves for Florida the same day. She won't be back til the first week of May. The Poet's birthday is the 5th. I'm also growing concerned about my mother. She's 88. And waking up with new ailments weekly. Sigh.

    The Doldrums. "A terrible swamp of laziness and dread." Only I won't be lazy. I will work, work, work. Like I'm working for Miles Standish. My father did that to me. No not really, I mean he was a big believer in good hard work. I think you are either born that way or not. The Poet helped balance that for me. Anyway.

    I'm going to pull "The Phantom Tollbooth" off the shelf again.

    Ok. Not looking back. Just wildly hitting the "return" button and letting this rip. Wow what a rebel eh?


  2. It's good. This picture. Bleak but intriguing.

    Wandering around on my break.

    I read the reviews of that book. Rave reviews -- for a book about a weirdo.

    I think I'm having a reaction somewhat similar to you believing you were a "straight arrow."

    Where have I been?

    Women can't be Girls without a whole bunch of shit FROM OTHER WOMEN. WTF.

    And Men seem, upon coming upon a Girl, struck like we are aliens from Star Trek.

    I need a cave to hunker down in. :)
