Wednesday, August 12, 2020


I'm glad that Biden chose Kamala Harris.  I've been saying for months that she was really the only choice.  Many of my friends are skeptical.  Some say she is a phony, a fake.  Others don't like her for reasons I can't comprehend other than she is a centrist.  That is what it will take to beat The Donald in November, if anything can.  Progressives are driving people away from the left, though taking them as left leaning is a huge mistake.  They are not liberals in any sense that I understand the word.  Progressive ideology is merely a substitute religion.

No, not merely.  Once should never say "merely."  Nothing is ever "merely."  I am suspicious of any pronouncement that uses the word.

Progressive ideology serves as a substitute for religion.


Kamala Harris is not a Progressive, and as I have said, she is too conservative for many of my friends.  I think that this complaint, though, is a tool of the right.  She ain't Black enough.

Maybe that's why I like her.  She is Obama black, of mixed race.  I have long deplored the race distinction.  Most Americans are mutts, not purebreds.  Most Americans who consider themselves white have African ancestors.  Most people we consider "of color" have European blood coursing through their veins.  I dislike the racial divides and can't wait to be free of them.  As I have said repeatedly, I don't like most "black" people.  Same for LatinX.  Same for Jews and Arabs.

Same for "whites."

I want to be free to dislike whomever I want, not based on race, but on values.  My friends and I have a cultural bond.  We enjoy enough of the same things to be able to stand one another's company.  It may be a love of travel, an appreciation of literature and/or art, a desire to be in nature. . . . Sometimes several of those things align.  Those friends are closer.  And then, there are some to whom you will give your trust.

I see in Harris someone who maybe understands some of that.  Hoodlums and thugs of any color get spanked.  What?  Most of them seem to be "black" men?  Huh.  As one of my friends is fond of pointing out, 4% of the population commits the majority of violent crimes.  You can blame it on cops.  You can blame it on whitey.  And I can agree.  But not every motherfuckin' street corner boy is an angel in waiting.  I grew up with hillbilly niggers, white ones, violent ones.  Nothing was going to save their honky asses.  They had some twisted genes.  They were born to be bad, as the songs would have it.  And we would have all been better off if those boys had been locked up or shot.

I'm sick of hearing about "race."  I'd hate to be black and have to be saddled to others who were perceived black.  It would be as bothersome as it is being considered "white" like Trump.

So, yea, I'm all for Harris, and now I will vote for Biden.  I think many others will, too.

O.K.  I'm off my soapbox.

I couldn't walk yesterday.  I limped around the house, but very little.  I am sure that I didn't take more than 100 steps the entire day.  Such is injury and old age.  And I drank the rest of the wine I had opened the night before, and I had two whiskeys besides.  But that is much less than I had been consuming, and maybe today I will not drink at all.  Abstinence is a burden no one should have to bear.  The possibility of a drink. . . just the possibility. . . calms you.  It is easier to say "no" if you don't have to.  And just to prove it, you might have a drink.  There are times, really, that absolutely demand it.  The trick is not to be a drunk, or worse, an alcoholic.  So maybe I will not drink today, or maybe I will have one.  It makes me feel better knowing there is no absolute driving the decision.

Today's picture is from my time in the studio, just a snapshot of someone who came to help me make pictures.  I miss shooting humans.  I wish I had one to photograph.  I've learned a bunch photographing the neighborhood.  It has been like going back to school, like being given an assignment you weren't particularly excited by but one which you had to do, and of course, you would try to do it well.  Then, in the doing, you found unexpected surprises that delighted you.  That is what photographing the neighborhood has been like.  But I am truly drawn to things hidden, mysteries, treasures to be unlocked, access to things that others fear to ask for.  It was fun in the studio.  I hope to have one again some day.

And. . . I posted the photo because I think she looks a bit like a young Kamala Harris.  Harris, you know, is not without curb appeal.


  1. So basically you like a woman who can give a good spank.

    Remember how she cut ole Joe? About bussing? I found I wasn't crazy about her right then.

    I jest and can be cutting - but only with good intention. I hope. I try. Something about that moment got under my skin.

    She tried too hard to take down an old man - an old man on her side of the street. I didn't like that look.

    But apparently lots of people do. I'm usually on the wrong side anyway.

    No. I don't trust her. I don't find her "Obama-like" at all. She doesn't come across as cool and calm and brainy. She would have made a better Attorney General.

    I may vote for Trump.

    I don't trust anything with regard to the election. My brother did squeal with some delight as he was driving his daughter back to college from Naples to Deland.

    We were chatting on the telly and he said "WOW WOW there are two HUGE Biden billboards up - here in Central Florida".

    I told him it was a rue and that the "secret majority" exists and care only about all the green they are making - even the po people got extra money from Trumpy - that extra $600 a week - that he insisted on signing and/or sending out letters with his stupid signature.

    Ugh. I can't even look at her up there smiling. I think you've managed to make me dislike her more than I did already. :P

    Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh.


    We gonna lose.


  2. -of course - but wtf do i know. i never in my wildest imagination believed President Pussy Grabber was a reality either.

    okies. onward.

  3. Oh my. I am going to write my report early because it is Biddy Night and I am bringing up dinner.

    I'm going to use all the fruits & veggies picked here - etc. I am thinking of caramelized onion, cherry tomato and zuke flatbreads with freshly grated parm. There will be three of us - Cathy's awesomely wonderful daughter, Caroline will be with us. Dessert is a bit of a local issue - but I have some blueberries, strawberries & peaches (east coast at least) and I am going to make crepes.

    "We are a frontier nation not a feudal empirical one ...." Sam Nickerson 8/12/20

    I put some new stuff in the shop - I'm doing well. But it is humid and hot like hades. While sitting on the back deck steps this morning - a hummingbird flew in front of me and just suspended and whirred and looked right at me. It was going to be a good day for something. Obvs.

    After the shop, I went to pick up the G.B. and go over to Reindeer Ln. The primary reason - the kittens. But I have been getting texts like "I guess I'll never see you again .." *eyeroll*

    So we drove to Kim's. Smoked a bowl. Caught up briefly and then I disappeared for kitten exam. FUCK THEY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL.

    After that, we sat at Kim's table. I decided to do some investigative reporting.

    So I proposed "So, how do we feel about Mr. Biden's running mate choice?" And then added the rules - only one person was to talk at a time (even me).

    GB: Back story - was married to a Sicilian Cajun. Spent many years on the Bayou. He is from Ohio originally - voted for Trump. I have been bashing him like a bat for 4 years (oooopsers - *blush.*)

    Response as close to it as I can (I really wanted to record):

    GB: "Biden just handed the election over to Trump."

    Me: "How do you say that with such authority?"

    GB: "A black woman ... "

    Me: "Wait, which part of that gives the election to Trump - black or woman?"

    G.B. "All of it."

    Me: Insert a shit ton of baseball batting practice and potentially a few home runs. Well. At least some Men on Base. Well I think so. He looked bothered after my tirade.

    I turn to Kim. The guy who lived on a commune off the coast of CT for 5 or 6 years.

    Me: "And what say you, Kim?"

    Kim: Takes a puff off his cig - rolls his head up to look at me and responds: "Hope." Period.

    There was then much pontification on my part. Talk of bringing back the W.P.A etc. Talk of demographics and when will who we are catch up with how we govern. The Base. How slow the wheel of Democracy .. blah blah blah. Hope. How long ??

    "Okies I say - gotta go."


  4. Drop the GB off and on the way home call my son.

    Me: "Hey it's me - you got 15 minutes to talk?"

    Son: "Sure I do."

    Me: "How are you feeling about Kamala?"

    (He said such genius stuff I wish I recorded it cause I won't do it justice.)

    Son: "Well. I think she's pretty brilliant. I think she was the smartest choice. She doesn't have the baggage of a Susan Rice. There's not much they can pin on her - and we know how much they've got to pin on Joe. In the end, for me, it's about voting for people who are at best - a little less fascist than the other."

    "She's a Big Tent candidate and I'm a leftist. And I'm tired of watered down progressive politics - or pretend progressive politics. Just keep looking back - the names change but the shit doesn't."

    Me: "You will vote tho right?"
    Sam: "Yes."

    We then discussed the 50% of the white women who supported Trumpy. He seems to feel that you can discuss a "peel off" based on down ballot races - even in PA where he now resides. How much of one who knows.


    It's so much easier to get lost in art and silly shows and kittens. This stuff takes a lot of me. I'm heading to nap for a bit before I start cooking.

    Also: Kamala Harris is a late in the season Libra. I told you I was right - she should be balancing the scales of justice.

    It isn't really top notch investigative reporting. I apologize for anyone who weeded through and was expected something better. I'll ask if we can "on the record" from now on. I mean with the News agencies following your blog and all.


  5. Damn. I forgot my morning investigative stuff. In brief. After the hummingbird incident I wandered over to Ma's.

    Me: "I was a little disappointed about Kamala."

    Ma: "Wait, wait. You know I felt the same way about her but wait! She is going to kick his ass all over town and he's not going to know what to do ... we've got to give her a chance."


    Why is everything so hateful now. It hurts my heart. We are better than this.

    oh! Hannah Nickerson just came in. She bought a sparkly lamp for her new bedroom and a new comforter - also shimmery.

    Me: "Han, how do you feel about Kamala?"

    Hannah: "What? Oh. Anything is better than the alternative."

    The End.
