Sunday, August 30, 2020

Freedoms Of and From

On the other hand, it is good that I live alone.  I was foolish to think that I would simply heal up and get on with things after my accident.  We dealt with all the obvious damage to my lung and joints and bones, re-inflating, plating, etc.  Some things they could do nothing about and we just left them alone.  But god knows what unseen damages there have been.  One side of my body feels different than the other.  The nerves have never gotten right.  The bones continue to stiffen and thicken with arthritis.  I'll never be able to do certain things with my left arm again.  These are very unattractive qualities.

And I am "of an age."  There is all of that to contend with as well.  How much rapid rate of acceleration this accident will cause remains to be seen.

But no one else has to suffer watching it.  Nobody has to help me or listen to my lies or complaints.

I am free to suffer alone.

It is a terrible freedom.

The freedom from this, however, is liberation itself.  It is to this I hoist my glass.

I took my new camera out for a test walk yesterday.  Same old shit in the viewfinder.  Nothing new to see.  But I was simply trying to figure out the dials and menus so that I could react to what I saw quickly.  I learned quite a bit.  The picture above was taken with the camera below.

It is a real pip, lightweight and small in the hand.  It autofocuses quickly and has an almost silent shutter and a flip out screen.  I thought for sure this would be the camera for the streets.  It is a fine camera, but it made no difference.  When I walked down the street, people still looked at me suspiciously or worse, stared me down with scowling faces. Perhaps people's sense of ownership and individualism has been enhanced, but the visual history of our time will suffer.  Although a trillion photographs are taken every day, most of them are selfies or carefully staged instagramable moments.  Anyone with a camera these days is to be distrusted.

It's not just me, I find.  The kids at the photo store run into the same problems.  Yesterday when I went to pick up some film, they were talking about the customer they had just escorted out the back door of the building.  She had been outside and took a picture of a homeless man who was, as the story was told, threatening her.  She was scared and in tears.  All three of the kids working the floor said it was the same for them, too.  I would figure that because they are young, especially for the female photographer, it would be easier, but they said they get yelled at just for walking down the street with a camera.  And it is true, people do confront you, sometimes red in tooth and claw.  The history of small towns and suburbs will be of buildings and objects and uncountable selfies.


I need to come up with a project.  Random street walking is good exercise, but it is getting old.

The idea of this camera is that you can do what you would have done in post processing in the camera before you take the picture.  It is, to hear it told, a throwback to film days.  In camera, you set the parameters of the "film" you will shoot, and that is what you have.  The image is ready to be shown straight out of the camera.  I poo-pooed this for a long time, but the idea has grown on me.  I am trying to create my "film" profiles right now, trying to create a look.  Or several.  The nice thing is that you can digitally change the "film" in the camera fairly quickly.  I will have to work with the camera for awhile before I have something, but that is the report.

I've awakened to a cloudy sky, a gray morning that is spitting a little rain.  It would be nice to sit in the house with my own true love, have a mimosa, and go back to bed.  Rather. . . later on I will go to visit my mother.  She lives alone, too, and I must palliate her loneliness, though actually, she has by far a more active social circle than do I.  That, my friends, is no Herculean feat.


  1. Hey! I got an idea!

    When I was in the biz, I often had clients who were "of a certain age." Sometimes, we became friends.

    There was Burt, who lived in a house that overlooked, first, a great expanse of marsh and beyond the cold, stunning, brutal Atlantic. He sold it to his son for 2 million. HA. His son. I think he said the evaluation was about 10 mil.

    He and his wife were serious collectors. Oh, it was a wonderful sale. I own a linen covered sofa that he claimed cost $30,000 (because it was all bespoke, I guess). I purchased several items from that sale.

    Tho I couldn't host the sale at the house, I moved it off site, anyway. Burt is something else. He moved to assisted living and can't KEEP the ladies away.

    We used to have lunch once a month, he'd treat and then I'd get it the next time. He liked me. I'm pretty sure. No, I know he did. He had a pretty funny nickname for me.

    Sometimes, we had to take one of his hanger on-ers to lunch too. Oh man. Did they oogle over him.

    He is a thorny mother fucker but funny as hell and smart. That is if you knew how to take him. I always gave it right back to him. My Burty, I'd say. I should give him a call. I hope he's still alive. I do check the obits regularly for former clients.

    Then there was Dottie. She was really of a certain age, I used to visit her monthly at the v. expensive "home" she moved into after selling her house. They did everything for her. The meals were quite something and she'd invite me down to dine with her from time to time. Early. Like 4:30 for dinner.

    Anyway, Dottie was really with it despite her age and she used to tell me stories about the "loose ladies" who chased after the 10 or fewer men that were single and living in the same complex. So it was about 100 women to 10 men.

    MAN, she used to go into detail about how so and so (that blatant slut) always sidled up to Mort or if he wasn't available, Sy, during Movie Time, Game Time or even during dinner.

    I think you'd be quite popular. Despite your deformities brought on by both age and accident. Your social circle would expand for sure. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about cooking etc.

    I dunno. Just thinking here.

    Or maybe you can hire a geriatric nurse? They are used to DOM (D = decrepit though I prefer dirty but I'm certainly not licensed in anything to offer real advice there, well, on second thought).

    It is one of those late August days that breaks your heart. Cool this morning, warmed up but not overheated now.

    I had two beers and a whole joint during my winding down period last night. Read some of my new book from a mutual buddy, read some homework, raided the freezer for some salted caramel gelato and then passed out.

    Woke up early and took the dogs on a Bataan Death March (is that UnPC? I think it probably is but I'm safe here right?)

    And now I must occupy myself some more. I'm considering a beach chair and sand.

    Luv u Doomster Knucklehead.

    1. Do you think they'd let me photograph them? Or their granddaughters?
