Monday, October 12, 2020

The Tale Poorly Told


Trump is coming, Trump is coming!  

And I am conflicted.  I want to go take pictures at his rally near my own hometown, but is it worth it?  I have no idea how close I would be able to get, and if I did, I don't know how likely I would be to get the virus.  Like many, I've become more skeptical about the dangers.  Everywhere I look, people are shopping, drinking, eating, and I think I am being paranoid.  Then I'll read a story about those hospitalized with the virus, and I grow paranoid all over again. I just don't know if a few pictures of the campaign is worth the risk.  And yet, there are people out there covering the campaigns.

I don't know.  I can't make up my mind.  

My cousins came to my mother's house yesterday.  They are not careful.  They go to restaurants, casinos. . . just another day to them.  My mother was not going to let them in the house, but she said she was feeling guilty.  I said I couldn't advise her on this.  In the end, she told them they could stay.  I went over for an outdoor takeout meal yesterday, and I felt the Covid virus in the air.  My chest got tight right away.  They talked loudly and laughed, and I could practically see the germy vapor hanging in the air.  

I'd probably better not go to the rally.  

But sitting alone in the house for months and months has given me cause to reflect on the meaning of life. Funny, right. . . I mean seriously, can I really make such an asinine statement as that?  Yes.  I'm not saying I figured out anything profound, but I do know that mere existence is not satisfying to me in any way.  All the mystical hippie shit I read and spouted all my life about the world within, etc. has been put to the test and found to be wanting.  Spiritual answers?  Nope.  I have concluded that I do less harm to others and to the world sitting alone in a room, but I do no good, either.  The neutrality of existence has not brought me great peace or joy.  It has brought me profound ennui and anxiety.  

My cousin asked me how I was doing.  Like everyone else, I said, knowing it wasn't true.  But the conversation lagged.  What do I have to talk about?  Something I saw on television?  A book I have recently read?  There is no real tale in such things.  Then my mother mentioned the letters I had found. She wanted me to tell the tale.  I told the facts of the thing, the cleaning of the attic, the surprise those boxes held, finding out that the girl in those letters had become a woman and died.  

What I have not been able to tell well, or maybe even at all, is the symbolism of all that, how the experience is metaphorical for something much larger and profound. I've tried and tried to write it, but I haven't been able to get my arms around it.  It still comes out as simple facts, sweet and sad, but not what I intend to say.  Maybe it is too big for me.  Perhaps I am too small.  But I'm going to have to put it away for awhile.  It has become a weight too profound to bear.  

The day is bright.  It will get hot soon.  I don't even know what time Trump is supposed to arrive.  Maybe I should just drive in that direction and see.  Or I could stay here, safely away from the possibility of danger.  

Seems to be my M.O. now. 

Avoiding, I mean.    


  1. Hey. Hi.

    Man. I feel like I've been gone forever.

    Is Emily still here?

    I think she'll be here forever. Maybe she always was here and we just didn't really know. Maybe that's part of something you are trying to get your arms around.

    I really haven't a clue what you are trying to net up and capture with these little tapping letters - in combination with your much neglected badly, hand written journal. However, it is a good time to try to find out. There is time and quiet.

    However, I do think you need to enter the world some. In whatever safe and cautious way that feels right for you. Maybe some more pieces of the Big Picture you are attempting to sew are waiting for you. You know. "out there." *shrug*.

    You did good though with the first part. Honoring her.

    Why didn't you follow up? Not to pick at scabs or anything - and obv you don't need to answer - I probably don't really want to know except perhaps - by your elegant writing hand that both illuminates and diffuses.

    And what of all that talk of your past - oh dear, there's a lot more to go. Sigh. It's okay. We are here for you.

    Good thing you have like 100 more years to get it down.

    Love. Knowledge. Wisdom. Always the Return to Innocence - but dusted with the sparkles - pin head size points of hard earned Wisdom. Your Own Wisdom. My Own. Etc. That is meant to be shared. With whom - where - how - doesn't matter much.

    As long as one continues to reach over the edges with our nets- get scraped and bruised and kissed and loved and putting it down - painting it - photographing it - writing it - dancing it - acting it out. Just keep making.

    Oh. That's my current meaning of Life.

    I went on an Adventure During Covid. A Big One. NYC Big. But a contained one. We were at M.O.M.A. - specifically for the Felix Feneon exhibit. But of course to absorb everything I could suck in through every pore and orifice (well you know what I mean) of my body - to store and examine and question. Forever sometimes.

    I don't know if I ever mentioned it before but I both melt and become enriched and empowered in museums. Well. the Arts in general are my oxygen. And we know my favorite equation Love = Art = Love =Life = Art = Love or something like that. I may have made it a more complex equation. But I like it tonight.

    I am overfull and still processing a lot of it. But I will tell you, waking up NOT in my house was exhilarating - seriously. Just that. I stayed with the dearest friends - a "from junior high" friend and her hub in Bergen County right outside of NYC.

    NYC itself feels incredibly sad. Desolate. Empty. We were there on a Saturday of a long weekend and yeah. That part of it didn't make me feel too good. But Lisa, a former teacher, ran into a former student in the museum and that was fun. There are signs of Life.

    Also, I've left my NPoE. That was big news on the Friday before I left. It was the necessary thing to do. It took me a while to process while blasting music on my ride down. I'm good now. It was toxic. There is enough toxic in the world. I don't wish to contribute.

  2. So - Bridges. T. became obsessed with Bridges specifically in Poetry - Whitman with the Brooklyn - but really Hart Crane. That was a serious study time.

    I drove over two big ones - G.W. and the Mario Cuomo Bridge (so strange - Tappan zee). How we maneuver from one place to the other when and where there is a break - or a hinderance - where they go - where they take us. I may return to his poems and also pull Mr. Crane down.

    I am still need of physical pleasure. I felt strange. Lisa's dog is a 95 pound fuzzy love bug. I hugged him overboard. Like a boyfriend. He was soft but strong and he let me rub him and kiss him.

    Am I beyond pathetic? It doesn't matter. Led Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll" got me through - it is like sex with a song while bouncing in the car. I swear.

    I was born with a freak flag firmly gripped in my hands and I've not stopped waving it since.

    Mr. Feneon was an anarchist who worked for the French government. And was once brought up on charges for a bombing of a French cafe where politicians were known to hang out. A staunch supporter of the arts - hung out with Mallarme every Tuesday at Mr. Mallarme's salon. Interesting guy - not too much left of his legacy - he destroyed almost all his papers.

    Talk about a big flag, eh?


  3. I'm reading a new book "Cassandra Speaks," by Elizabeth Lesser. The end of the first section - about Eve - concludes with this quote:

    "The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

    T.S. Eliot


  4. Okay. I went to bed at less than 8PM last night. I believe I might be entering a seasonal depression.

    The Green Beret needed supplies on Monday. Essentials. Beer & Poison. Those little bottles of Expresso Vodka he drinks. His text asked "If you are out and about could you perhaps drive me to the liquor store?"

    He neglected to add "and pay for it..."


    After scraping quarters from the floor of my car - I told him long ago I won't pay for those nips that cause holes in his brain - we set off to Liquors & Less. or maybe it is Liquors & More. I can't remember.

    He asked me if I had been watching the Senate confirmation hearings. No. I was not.

    "She is an A plus woman that potential judge," he remarked, "she has all these kids and she was being asked the dumbest questions. I feel bad for the girl. I mean, woman."

    In he went for his booze. While sitting in the car, waiting, I could feel a feeling building up inside me. I do not have the word for the feeling. But if he kept talking - it probably wasn't going to turn out good for the G.B.

    Driving back toward his house, "Can we take the longer route and have a little drive?"


    "I don't want to vote for Trump again but I don't want to vote for Biden either. I really don't like that Carmela woman."

    "There is no other choice," I scream over the music which I now have blasting in order to not hear his nonsense and potentially save him from something. But somehow, I knew it was too late for saving.

    "What policies of Kamala's do you not agree with or as you say "like?""

    "Oh I don't really know any of her policies but she's so snarky and the way her voice sounds - the way she talks."

    I pulled into his driveway as he finished that sentence, turned off the music turned to him and said "Get the fuck out of my car."

    He laughed and said "Why? what did I do?"

    "Get the fuck out of my car, now."

    "Hahah, no really, I want you to tell me about her and her policies."

    "Get the fuck out of my car." Now with an added push at his shoulders.

    "I'm not getting out, we will be here til Friday. I want you to tell me about her. C'mon you are my friend, educate me."

    "I'm not telling you anything. Get the fuck out of my car. Do your own research. Educate yourself."

    He kept begging and begging. I simply repeated, "Get the fuck out of my car." He leaned on the hood when he finally did get out - keeping me from driving away.

    "If you don't move - I will start backing up my car."

    He finally relented and I was free to go.

    I remember him saying the same thing about Hillary's voice.

    He's been texting me ever since. "Hey." "Howdy." "How was your day."

    I have yet to respond. I don't think I really want to respond.

    Except maybe, if I can borrow your flamethrower.,_adamo_ed_eva,_uffizi.jpg

    Who, in that painting, looks more ready to "take on the world?"

    I love Men. I always have.
    But often wonder, how the hell they did end up in charge of everything.
