Saturday, October 10, 2020

To Not Write


I can't write today.  I've tried for hours.  Most days, it is fine, but I am trying too hard.  

When you can't make art, try not to make art.  When you can't take pictures, try not to take pictures.  When you can't write, try not to write.  

I'm just going to have to try not to write today.  It is all I can do.  


  1. Half of Music is Silence in the rests and pockets between the notes.

    Half of Art is the 間 (Negative Space) from which form and foreground emerge.

    Half of Poetry is Caesura in the breaks and punctuation between words and phrases.

    You’re not writing is writing.

    “Take a break, set a spell, take your shoes off, relax, but y’all come back know y’hear.”

    There is wonderful 間 in the photograph.

  2. Thanks. There is not much else to photograph in the
    Time of Covid.
