Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Just a Cup of Coffee


Wow, right?  Woman walking into frame.  How could I have ignored it for so long?  I have billions of photos and things get overlooked.  Lost, in a sense.  But hell, it is pure cinema.  

I want to make photographs again.  

O.K.  Maybe it is not that good.  But it is something I like.  It is more street portrait than street photography.  I like the look of people when they are not aware of being noticed.  What was she thinking about?  How is she doing now?  

My bathroom is finally beginning to come together.  It might be finished next week.  And then we can get back to what was originally intended.  So much more to do. So many thousands of dollars.  But as we creep toward fixing things, I feel somewhat liberated.  The sun is shining.  The sky is blue.  Perhaps I will live again.  

It is morning now, and Mr. Fixit is not here.  He has some car stuff to take care of, so I am alone.  Without coffee.  I am not allowed to have caffeine for twenty four hours prior to my test.  I am to fast for four hours, so I can't eat, either.  No coffee, no food.  It is silly how much an inconvenience this is.  It is also an indication of how far I have fallen and how weak I've become.  I am truly the Rain Man.  I can't stand having my routines disrupted.  


The Biden train moves along.  He now has access to Presidential information.  He now has transition funds.  Lucky Joe.  Members of his own party are already complaining about his cabinet appointments.  Huh?  Go figure.  Biden will be president of a Mad Land.  Mad Land of America, the disjointed, depreciated republic.  Good luck, Joe.  You're gonna need it.  

My next few days are hectic, and it makes me anxious.  After months of sitting, having to do things, having to perform tasks, is making me anxious.  Doctors and beauticians and wrecking crews and Thanksgiving dinner--suddenly my life is a whirlwind of activity.  I am in no shape for it.  

It feels like holding your breath and swimming to the other end of the pool underwater.  You know you can manage it, but it isn't really something to which you look forward.  

I may be wrong about the bathroom.  I just made a list of what still needs to be done.  I doubt it will be ready next week.  

After today, I still have a bevy of medical tests to undergo and a home sleep study where I am supposed to attach sensors all over my body.  How am I to sleep?  Of course, the whole idea is to find apnea and sell me an aqualung or whatever it is called.  Just a little something to make me more attractive to the girls.  

"Uh. . . you don't mind if I wear this tonight, do you?  I mean, you didn't want to snuggle, right?"

I sure would like a cup of coffee.  


  1. Shit. I have a lot to say. Why? Cause I just smoked a joint with my Hairdresser and Baby Daddy. Who is a ginger. He served time. No parents. Grew up in New Bedford - rough. Emeril Lagasse is from there. BAM.

    Anyway. I GOT CHARLOTTE TIME. Fuck, my kids better provide me with Grandchildren. She makes me so happy. I get to bite her little legs and tickle her and sing. Throw her around some. Snuggle.

    Oh. I was at the thrift the other day and found a box of vintage dominoes - prolly 1960's to 70's. Intact in the box - with the instructions. I absolutely loved playing with my Gummama's. They were ancient. First, we used to make the trails for them to tumble one by one - elaborate schemes. Me & my brother. All the while learning to count the dots - and oogle the carved dragon on the other side (I liked doing the tumbling dominoes and I loved the way they felt in my hands - so many hands had touched them and they were soft - and parts of the dragon were worn on some BUT ... wasn't crazy about the counting part - but Gummama was pretty insistent we learn everything - she also had a tin of buttons that I would just run my hands through over and over and over).


    What I wanted to say is when I gave Charlotte the dominoes Baby Daddy said "I'm really good at dominoes."
    Jeanette said "Yeah, Tommy is good at dominoes - he was in jail."

    News to me. Had no idea that was a jail game. Apparently it is - to be played with Spanish people. Mostly people from Puerto Rico. Who knew? Dominoes never came up with Kim. He worked at the Library and played out door prison games ... basketball? football?

    Anyway. It was a kismet gift - right? Charlotte can build tumbling dice and Tommy can teach her someday how to play.

    Ok. I have another request, I was singing this on the way home. It is a really lovely song. Well, I think.


    We had Pot Luck Thanksgiving at MYPoE. I have so much to tell about this new adventure. L.Ron Hubbard is involved - well kinda. A Russian dentist who served in the U.S. Air Force.... Another time.

  2. Let's talk about U.

    YAY!!! Don't you have like 1 Zillion Cameras and 90 billion camera accoutrements?

    Taking pictures seems like a fairly good idea.

    What else. Is she sort of biting her lower lip - there is a pensiveness - or that's what I see.

    Prolly you should take more and try to get better though.

    All I know about Trump is he dances a lot and there is a white cat following him everywhere.

    President Joe. I hope he is utilizing whatever vitamins, workout, eating properly etc. I'm sure Dr. Jill is taking good care of him. But shit. That job. I think you have to just put your head down and work.

    Really, really hard with a bunch of Dicks. Like Obama did first term with Healtchare. I think they should fix that shit - Climate and Immigration.

    The fuckers work for us. Let's get SOMETHING DONE.

    I heard he nominated some good people for things. For his Sous Kitchen.

    I have this full time job now and trying to fit shit in leaves me little time for checking news during the day.

    I have to do my exercise when I get home. Blah blah blah.

    Drat. This was your chapter.

    What are you having done now? Are you getting your eyelashes attended to? Thanksgiving mani/pedi?

    25 - 35

    "Honey, this machine helps me maintain my youth and vigor. It is charged with high potency air. You want me to look good don't you? Baby, wearing this from 10P to 6A every night and I promise we'll be snuggling all the live long daytime thru bedtime."


    "I have to wear this Sugar, the Doctor says so. You don't want to find me dead next to you one night, do you? Who's gonna buy you all the things you want and worst of all you'll have to go back on Match.com and put up with all those idiots. Cmon, you can deal, I know you can."

    Over 50

    The Girl Speaking: "Number one, make sure you see these tests and read them yea yea I know you are a data master but it could be that this "apenea" thing might just be a cardiologist money upgrade. I mean, did you do the test right? Just make sure you really need it and maybe get a second opinion. But don't worry, we can have everything we need to get done by Aqualung Hook up time - and as long as we can throw our legs over each other - everything will be fine. It's better you live."

    But what do I know. I'm just a Girl. You know I liked commenting from my phone. I had emoji access.

    Ok. I have to come down but I drank some coffee late. Sigh.


  3. Oh. I work in the Medical field now. Adding services and products is really big. I never worked in the field - I had no clue sales was such a big part of the job. I mean I did but not to the extend of the focus.

    Fascinating stuff.


  4. Oh I forgot something - that Over 50 would have the words "Don't worry, Pet ..." in there several times.

