Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Clean, Uncluttered Place


Wow.  That is all I can say.  A team of house cleaners was here for three hours yesterday.  They had very much construction dust to remove from my many, many shutters, from shelves, from every horizontal surface.  There were things to move, to get under.  There were big fan blades to go over.  When it was all done, I came home to a clean house for the first time in six weeks.  Last night, I slept in my own bed.  

I had spent the entire morning straightening things to get ready for them.  I removed much of the old decor.  "Some" may be more accurate.  Nevertheless, the house has not been this clutter free for many years.  It feels a bit more spacious.  

I had become so blind to the house that I hadn't any idea where some things were to go.  I could not put them back out of sheer blind ignorance.  

Now I must turn my attention to cleaning out drawers that have become stuffed with unrelated, uncategorized "things."  The little that I have done has turned up old bills, automobile policy changes, toy racing cars, beads, broken glasses. . . . 

I'm learning to let things go.  

I woke this morning fairly thrilled.  And then, making coffee, I filled with dread.  I do not want to dirty anything.  I am not good at cleaning.  Not at all.  I smear more than clean.  I don't know.  Maybe I can learn.  But I am lazy, an eighty percenter.  I get most of the spill or dirt or grime up.  I know that the last twenty percent will take the majority of effort.  I say I'm bad at it, but it is sheer laziness.  A clean and organized life takes a lot of effort.  You have to begin early in life.  My mother did all that when I was a kid.  I had no idea.  I guess I thought it was faeries.  

They did not follow me into adulthood.  

The new shower is wonderful.  I am happy with my decision.  I even have a new towel hook.  Small things.  

And so. . . I look forward to today more than I've looked forward to a day for a long time.  I must prepare for my mother's birthday tomorrow, but I don't mind.  I will be able to exercise today.  I will get to take a walk.  I can even throw out my yoga mat and stretch once again.  I can get back somewhat to my more healthy lifestyle.  

But the terror is not over.  There is still too much to be done.  It is only that now it is outside the house.  For the most part.  I can put off the other interior stuff for a while.  And Mr. Fixit begins his vacation travels in a few days.  He will be gone through the holidays and beyond.  I haven't gotten done what I originally brought him over for, but both of us are worn out for now.  We both need the break.  

This morning has been thrilling.  The coffee was wonderful.  The non-hurried perusing of digital news, the sips of hot coffee, the feeding of the cats and the breaking of the grey morning light.  I will go to the grocery store now.  I think that I will make a hearty cabbage soup, or maybe a white bean stew.  I will get some luxuries.  

For the moment, at least, I am slouching toward something akin to. . . well, I dare not say "happiness," but something better than despair and sadness.  Just for the moment, but I'll embrace that.  


  1. Jesus. It's still just me here.

    I love a real newspaper. I like to fold it as I read it - I like the sound it makes when you turn the page - and to do the crossword on paper with a cuppa hot joe - really it is a wonderful treat. Old Fashioned.

    Speaking of which (we will get to you and your almost but not really probably a short lived illusion of the "H" word)...

    Last night was Friyay! I had worked in some capacity for 14 straight days. Or something close. So I was really tired but delighted it was a Friday. Of course, it means next to nothing other than I didn't have to get up for work today.

    I buzzed Tennis Friend Lisa - but she was picking up her Old Man who just got in from Florida - I will not see her for 14 days. He's a non-believer and who knows what he brought back from that unbridled southern country.

    I was talking to a nurse today and she said there was a spike at the CC hospital - they later found out - all these people had been together at a house party. BOOOOOOOOO! Another non-believer friend in NJ daughter is infected.

    Anyway. Back to me. I got home visited Ma (more Christmas Tree Light Drama) and then came in to dogs who are needy - what was I to do with my Friday, of an evening?

    Sigh. I took an edible and poured a glass of wine and went into a room I rarely go into - there is a recliner there. They can be aesthetically unappealing but boy - kicked back - anyway. I have not felt holiday spirit. I mean I haven't had much time for it. I try to spread a wee bit of cheer - here and there. For it helps me.

    So I decided to watch "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer." Oh it was always a favorite of mine growing up - when it only came on TV one time per year and we got bathed and in our jammies and gathered round.

    I'm so totally Clarice. I have always been Clarice. At least she is a big part of me. The batting of the lashes, the making the first move on a boy of choice - if seriously interested. Oy.

    The edible continued to kick in - and I was (no laughing) utterly mesmerized. My face got all smiley and buzzy.

    It became Wes Anderson-like. And Island of Misfit Toys? Yukon Cornelius could be played by Bill Murray perfectly. The little felt creatures were beyond beautifully made. I mean Yukon Cornelius' outfit is so accessorized and perfect.

    I know. I know.

    But I might do it again tonight after a tub. Then it will truly be almost like I'm 9 years old again. :)

    But I think it will probably be -- cancelled. The father is a bully to his little red-nosed son - the kids are bullies. They make fun of Hermey cause he wants to be a Dentist. AND the Mendeer say things like "No daughter of mine will be scene with someone like you" and "We better get on our way and get the women back to safety."

    No wonder I love it, right?

    Rudolph made out ok in the end. Plus he had an Odysseus like adventure AND got the girl AND was the Hero who - well you know how it ends.

    Stoned it was fantastic. I couldn't get over how they made it - and the simple paper-cut backgrounds of the mountains - lit with simple lighting - the water when the Abominable almost falls in.

    I would like to learn how to felt little animals.

  2. Okies. Today was a shitty cold damp rainy day. But I had beauty appointments to attend too and some thrifting for gifts. Oooopsers. I found a gift for Lisa. I found a pair of designer snake skin heels - not too high but high enough - overdyed as leopard skin. Very pointy. I don't know what the real style is - but I've never cared so much for the trends and went more for unique quality. Easily $250 new. They are new-like. And I paid $10.99. They will be v. nice as the star of the show in any otherwise understated outfit. I want to wear them with cuffed jeans. Come the Spring.

    And I picked up some good trader material which will be cleaned and priced this evening to be delivered to the shop tomorrow.


    I'm glad you might feel something other than misery. Truly, truly. Whatever is getting you there - may that spirit - be it - a girl or girls - friends - a new shower - 20 billion thread Egyptian sheets - unclutteredness - I hope it stick around a while.

    You can be quite fun you know.

    Okies. I'm into the wine. My house is not decluttered or freshly maid. But it is home for now and the winds are blowing and the cold rain is falling. I will put on the fireplace and let the hours of Saturday Eve wash over me.

    I hope you had a really fun day out and about - and that your birthday party for Ma is a huge success. I really, really do.

    Yesterday was Emily Dickinson's Birthday. Here is a celebration:

    I dwell in Possibility


    I dwell in Possibility –
    A fairer House than Prose –
    More numerous of Windows –
    Superior – for Doors –

    Of Chambers as the Cedars –
    Impregnable of eye –
    And for an everlasting Roof
    The Gambrels of the Sky –

    Of Visitors – the fairest –
    For Occupation – This –
    The spreading wide my narrow Hands
    To gather Paradise –

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