Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Still, Always, Just


This was the first airplane to break the sound barrier.  It made Chuck Yeager famous.  But look at it.  It is the stuff of childhood dreams if you are of a certain age.  It is your childhood in a nutshell.  It explains why old people think differently than young people.  Their fantasies were of a different shape, had a different figure.  The world was ripe for invention, for exploration.  There was still a sense of the "exotic."  Swamp monsters and Nessie the Loch Ness Monster were not completely outside the realm of possibility.  You could still run down to the end of the street and find something scary in the woods just beyond.  

"Still."  That is a loaded word.  I should not use it.  It carries some hierarchical message in its use.  I must find a better, more neutral word. 

I'm not romanticizing the past.  I'm not saying it was better.  I'm just saying that character was shaped in different ways.  But those were the bad old days.  They need to be corrected and washed from memory.  

"Just."  I've always been suspicious of people who use that word.  It is a gaslighting word.  It seeks to disguise some other fact.  

I shouldn't use the word "always" either.  

But. . . there is this (link).  This "news" story reads like a novel.  I am enamored because it invokes something "exotic" to those who grew up when there were places and place names and people considered so.  The present is as dangerously corrupt and tawdry as the past.  It must be cleansed, I say.  One People, One World. 

This is not at all what I intended to write this morning, but I don't have the energy to write what I had hoped to and considered writing.  Tomorrow, maybe, or the next day.  I am tired beyond my own comprehension.  Just worn out.  But the bathroom should be completed by Wednesday and the Wrecking Crew comes on Friday, so for the first time in about a month, I'll be able to sleep in my own bed.  

Still, I am a jittery bunch of paranoia about everything from my house to my health.  I am as negative as I can be.  When Mr. Fixit is finished working around here, I will be terribly broke, but maybe I can begin to work on having some positive thoughts and healthful activities again.  

Until then, I am a catatonic mess.  For fun, I've been watching three hour long Yale University lectures on "Lolita."  What?  You don't think that would be fun?  Well, there are more in the Yale series, and I am going to watch them until the new season of "Goliath" is released, anyway.  Or maybe "Ozark."  As far as I know, there is nothing out there on the horizon.  

Yes, maybe tomorrow I can write the story I intended.  The morning is cold here, in the low forties, and the sky is a luminous pale blue.  I have another doctor's appointment in a little while, and then the rest of the day with Mr. Fixit.  

Another day in paradise.  


  1. Where is C.C. ? Get him over here. I need some laughter. or Q. Where's that god damn mother fucker. I could use some of his biting Scorpio sarcasm.

    My power cord is being mailed back to me. I'm on a foreign computer Like an old fashioned desktop.

    I had blocked the Green Beret. Did I tell you? Since early November. He sent me some very mean texts. All because I wasn't giving him the attention he wants. And believe me I've always been a really good buddy.

    Anyway, I decided it was time to unblock him. I've never blocked anyone from texting me in the whollest of my life.

    I got a bunch of texts. That didn't address the issue.

    So I simply texted him what he had texted me that provoked my banning him from my space. It was ugly enough to stand on its own.

    And he wrote back more "I'm having a tough time blah blah blah. I miss arguing with you. I miss you." To which I said "I am having trouble understanding why I deserved that text..."

    Several hours later I received an apology. I'm not big on apologies except for things that really hurt or are really wrong - I don't care about the little stuff - we are all dumb humans to some extent. But he hurt me. And I didn't deserve it. I've ALWAYS done whatever I could to help him - and that's not a lie or a delusion - I drove him shots and beer when he was practically vomiting in not wanted detox mode at 10PM at night - and he lives 20 minutes away - cause he didn't have the money or a car - smoked him up - bought him ciggies - drove him places - wrote letters for his custody hearings - bought him countless amounts of alcohol when we were just hanging out.

    I did it gladly cause he's my friend. Yeah. I hadn't seen him a bit - I have shit that goes on.

    Friends shouldn't be mean to each other. I used to say it to Hannah when girls were being mean that were supposed to be her "friends." I'd say - look up the definition of Friends - not letting you sit with them at lunch for no reason at all - is not in the friend dictionary.

    I ate an edible after the treadmill. I really hate the treadmill. I would so much rather be walking the bog or gardening for exercise.

    Anyway it felt like in the Spirit of the Fucking Strange Christmas Season I should reach out.

    So there's that.


  2. (I ate an edible after working out in the cellar which I hate cause I'd rather be outside walking or gardening getting exercise that way.) Plus I'm having my Ultra & OJ.

    I had a difficult day at the office. Did I mention that? I'm trying to be ducklike and just let it roll. I'm doing good.

    I sold one of your prints. Unframed. Congratulations.

    I see a lot of stuff Always have actually cause it's kind of a passion.

    Don't burn any more of it. Send me whatever you want to rid yourself of (in manageable amounts) - your best work. I know. I know I don't get the Polaroids. But you could leave me them in a letter. :)

    I promise to take the best care of it.

    But really. It was lovely to be a part of the transfer of appreciation of a thing of Beauty.

    It is best to share those things. Well. I think. And it is always - for me something of a sweet feat to have a maker be appreciated - yes with words, money, compliments.

    One of my favorite conversations after a sale of beautiful things - was to tell the artist, the family how much their work, their home, their furnishings, were appreciated by my shopping clients and how everything has found a good second home. Someone bought it not because they hated it or even didn't like it - they bought it because something about it "spoke to them." And even resellers - who were not going to keep what they were buying (though the owned it even for a little bit) but try to make money on it - you still have to have some - well I'll use the word "faith" in your relationship with - whatever it is/was.

    Wow. I'm stoned. Okies. Tomorrow is HUMP Day. I gotta shower and skin care. Watch something.


  3. Shit. I copied and pasted wrong. Ooooopsers on the repeats. The big mean message that alerts me that I've exceeded my letter quotient always gives me a little start.


  4. BTW. Just don't pick on words. Don't you still think people should write the words they want to write? Just cause someone doesn't like a particular word - well they don't have to use it or read it - they can take a sharpie and didact it, etc.

    I'd be sad in a world without Always.
