Thursday, February 25, 2021

It Is Rarely Simple


I am going to write tonight as I don't know what the morning will bring.  I am down tonight.  It is physical.  It is mental.  I may be fine, but one can never tell.  I may be overtaken by some if not many things.  

Vague enough?  

I had to hurry to make lunch.  I got up late with a foggy brain and had trouble focussing on the task at hand, i.e. writing the blog entry.  The jumble was real.  There was certainly a forecast of what was to come.  

I am worried about having done an aerobic workout at the gym.  I was breathing hard.  Whatever was in the room, I certainly inhaled.  Mutants?  How can one be sure?  

But lunch was outside and in the sunshine and with someone who genuinely likes me.  How rare a thing?  It is something truly wonderful.  

My buddy from Cali, the mountain guide, sent me a belated b-day present.  "Facial or massage," his message said.  There was a phone number attached.  Hmm.  His message said, "O.K. man.  Go get soft for an hour."  A massage or a facial.  Maybe I'll just get both.  

In my own home town today, all the Perkins restaurants had banners wishing Tiger a speedy recovery.  

If you don't know, don't worry about it.  I couldn't believe how little readers of the blog cared about Tiger's accident.  Waitresses all over town were wearing black in tribute to another American Hero.

The photo at the top of this post is going up for auction soon.  It is one of the artist's finest works, I think, but it would be nothing without this model, so long and angular and confident.  I envy this picture.  I wish I could make such a thing.  I hope the picture sells for a million dollars.  

I am planning on a trip, perhaps this weekend.  I am surprised at how hard it is to prepare after a year's lockdown.  I don't remember what I need to take.  I will spend tomorrow preparing.  I think of driving north.  I think of driving south.  South, however, is more appealing.  I may drive all the way to the Keys.  Maybe.  I may drive north to the redneck part of the state.  The cat will have to live off wildlife, I guess.  I hope she remembers how to hunt.  

* * * 

It is morning now, and I don't know if I'll be able to get away this weekend.  Getting away just seems impossible, and yet all I need do is get into the car and go.  Or so it would seem.  But life is rarely that simple.  I mean, if it were, we would not have a need for art or literature, would we?  


  1. That artist is a goddamn genius, and it should sell for a million bucks.

    Mebbe Van Gogh can buy it with some of the spare change he made off of one of them there sunflower pictures he threw together.

    Yeah, the malaise is upon us all and everywhere. I feel you.

    Get on the road though. You can be just as miserable and diseased somewhere else as you can where you are.

    Get one of the old comrades to jaunt along if you need the company – everybody likes a road trip.

    Or give that tall gal a holler, who knows – what’s the worst that could happen?

    Yeah, I know it’s easy to cheer from the cheap seats, but I am on your side. I think the road will be you good.

    You have a lovely beautician.

    I have someone who doubles as a sheep sheerer. I am off to be shorn.


  2. I laughed to myself all afternoon, c.c., that last line is perfection. I will put it away and certainly utilize it in your honor --- Olympia and the Whore thing - man lots has been written about the subject - I'm still researching in hopes of bringing something if not new than at least something cohesive, informative and entertaining (engaging, evocative).

    I'll take any of those but we certainly know how the Magic either sticks or flutters away uncatchable - but leaves behind something - that little feather brush tickle - dammit - but not enough and then you have to either be really patient or beg while mining the material. Or walk away from it for a while. I'm trying to find the nugget.

    I am always happy to know you are in the world, ya know. Keep getting paid to do U :)

    And now to the Write of the Blog

    Are you more specific about your vague stuff on your Secret Blog? I looked up the word. Just to be sure. (Well I was also wondering, truthfully, if I could ever use that word to describe myself - don't answer that question - my mother always tells me I can't always say exactly what I mean - no - she says "exactly what you think." I don't know if there is a difference between what I mean and what I think. So it might be the same thing.

    So. The Keys man - THAT sounds evocative. I drove around looking to see if I could spot a Florida Panther down there - I was crazed about it. Now they are being killed frequently in the Naples area. I go crazy when I read about that.

    Go to Everglade City. Where's its hot and buggy. I love it there. For some strange reason. I probably shouldn't but we can't help the things that set a little flutter to the heart. It's that Rod & Gun Club that made me go there the first time. I had been doing some research about day trips while visiting my brother.

    Or maybe you should hit the beach. Go to beach - rent a room for the night -- see how it feels. Not so far away from home. So you can practice what a weekend away feels like. *shrug*. Just an idear.

    Do you want help with your accommodations? I'm excellent at that. Just DM the deets but I do like some time to research the Best Experience (does not mean most $$$$ FYI).

    Or stay home and get your Face Soft. Whatever feels right. :)

    What are you? A Sexputganarian?

    It's hard to argue with Beauty.

    A true compilation - an alchemy of the Natural Material & the Makers vision and technique (said in the most complimentary way to the Model) <--- don't be a dork - take it and shut up.

    How the fuck do you expect to make you 1 million dollars if I can't talk like that. :)

    Oh my tomorrow is Friyay. I can't even believe I have to put in another full day. AND the Practitioner was in residence ALL WEEK. Which meant patients all week which meant appropriate outfits all week and other very more exhausting things about Work and People and the World.

    I am becoming valuable. It's inevitable, unfortunately.

    Not bragging. If I'm hired to clean the bathroom, it's going to be the best looking clean bathroom it can be.

    My father instilled a work ethic like a Cape Cod Brazilian House Cleaning Business Owner. And that is no joke. They blow away everyone for Production.

    T. used to get such a kick out my work stories. He nearly pissed his pants when I went to a ROTARY meeting.

    I'm truly a trouble-maker but for all the right reasons. Well, I mean I think so.

    I've been looking through travel photos - such a bad thing to do. It revs that engine don't it.

    Small forays into the Living. That's my goal.
    What a jumbled mess. Sorry I'm wiped out.



  3. And what are you on about Tiger Woods - didn't he have that car accident like 20 years ago?
