Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Charges Pending


I have a neighbor/acquaintance/friend who has published a number of novels set in my own home state.  I don't know him intimately, but we speak often.  A couple weeks ago, we spoke about traveling and found we were thinking of going to the same place, a small, old fishing town on the coast north of here.  I saw him yesterday, and he queried, "Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?"  

I told him of my plumbing woes and that if I HAD gone, I might have come home to a sink hole.  The thought chills me.  I asked him how his trip went.  That is when he stepped near and did the look around.  

"Well. . . I don't want to talk too loud.  I don't know the politics of the neighborhood.  We had a nice time, went out on the river, saw wildlife. . . but man, that's some Trump country.  Everywhere you went there were signs in front of businesses saying 'Impeach Biden' and 'Stop the Steal.'"

"That's what its like anywhere rural," I said.  "And 'those people' can be mean."

"It was scary," he admitted.  

I then went into my admonition of the left for having created such a polarity.  I blamed Clinton, of course, and especially the virulently Woke.  

"I'm working through that right now," he confided.  "I just finished a book with a lot of Black characters. . . ."  

 I stopped him there.  "What do you know about being Black?" I said.  "Why do you think you can write a Black character?" 

He looked taken aback.  "Well, that's the blowback my publishers fear.  They said I needed to get some Black critics to read the manuscript and give their feedback."  

I don't know if he took me seriously or not, but our conversation quickly ended.  

This morning, I read this (link) and this (link).  Before that, I had read Michelle Goldberg's op-ed on the Cuomo situation (link).  Goldberg is one of my favorite editorialists.  She is bright and insightful, but the last paragraph of her piece gave me pause.  Her assumption is that Cuomo is guilty.  I'm no Cuomo fan, and if I were a betting man, I'd put my money down on, "Yea, he did it."  But that is not how it is supposed to work, I thought.  

That, however, was an old liberal ideal, I guess, and liberals seem to be everybody's enemy now.  

I assume that if my friend's book gets published, it will be a self-published e-book on Amazon.  

It seems funny to say that someone is "liberal."  It sounds to me like the highest compliment you can pay someone, but it also sounds fairly stupid.  "My liberal friends. . . ."  It is so categorical.  And for years, I have agreed that "liberals lie."  Anyone declaring themselves liberal sound as though they are someone carrying a hall pass.  And yet, many of my friends. . . .  

I've oft said that my favorite crowd of people are the ones in the museums in NYC.  I love walking through the Met or MoMA or the Gug just to be among the people.  There is a sensibility that is almost palpable.  Should I say it is a "liberal" sensibility?  All I know is that it is different than the one I sense at a NASCAR race or a professional wrestling match.  And though I like and even admire cowboys, I much more enjoy sipping a glass of wine at the bar overlooking Central Park at the Met.  

Having said that, I can be accused of many things.  I mean, who is represented in the Museum?  Who does it invite?  It seems pretty privileged and pretty white, doesn't it?  Should I explain why I feel so comfortable there?  

There is no need, of course.  There are those who will do it for me.  Would they be wrong?  Maybe not.  But are we allowed to make assumptions based upon the odds?  

I thought you were only supposed to do that if you are in law enforcement.  Ho!


  1. I will hazard a guess that you like the people at the Met or the Moma ONLY while they are there. There are rules of engagement in those places that protect you from The Woke. Environmental factors are significant.

    Get that same crowd gathered in a meeting in at say a parents’ advisory board at the country club college to discuss your photography and whether or not someone who makes such work should be around impressionable children and see if you like them as much. My guess is you would then wish you were in a crowd at NASCAR. But again, environment being significant – talk trash about “Dale Earnhardt had it coming” or “Kyle Irving is a pussy” and then you will have violated the rules of engagement.

    As get closer to death I loathe them all – The Woke and the Nazis – liberals and conservatives.

    Calling someone a “racists” or “white fragility” or “cultural appropriator” is the 21st Century puritanical witch hunt – and goddamn were the Puritans of new England a loathsome lot. The accusation becomes indictment, evidence, trial, argument, and conviction all in one. To deny that you are a witch is proof of your guilt. The only thing that is acceptable is confession, followed by conversion, followed by a quick and surrey execution to say your soul.

    Clinton helped give us Trump – The Woke will bring him back with a vengeance.

    1. *Kyle Busch -- you might get cheers if you said Kyrie Irving was a pussy


  2. Yikes. It's a heavy load. Down here on these weakly shoulders.

    Well. I'm going to NYC in April. I was there before Christmas.

    I am okay to be around even after the visit to the museum. Prolly a little excited/tired and ready for several drinks and something lovely to eat.

    And I would champion C.S.'s work at any meeting.

    But you prolly didn't mean for me to make it personal.

    Why are people so mean?

    It's so much easier to be not mean. Sure you get beat up and stuff, from time to time, but mean is hard and it takes a lot of energy because you have to keep remembering why you feel mean and who you have to be mean too - and so on and so forth.

    Anyways. It is Tuesday. I made it. Hump Day tomorrow & a pay week. Woot!

    You shouldn't look up suicide stuff. It makes me anxious from all the way over here. Just sayin.

    Okies. I'm tired.

    I did wish to mention how utterly sickened I was by Biden accepting the Prince's involvement in the murder of Jamal Khashoogi - that's really bad. Journalists being murdered and all.

  3. No matter, kids. . . I've got Amazon and Netflix and YouTube. I don't need to get off the couch.
