Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas All

Santa flew by last night late.  I heard him.  But he couldn't stop.  He had things he must do, I know.  Still, it was good to hear him flying overhead and calling hello. 

When I woke this morning, I had forgotten what day it was.  I lay in bed far too early trying to collect myself.  "What do I do today?"  Oh, yea.  

I have buttermilk brined turkey to cook today.  My mother will be here for Christmas.  I still have some wrapping to do of the non-existent presents.  Good practical things.  

I used up all my best Christmas pics already.  I wish I would have thought to have just one for Christmas Day.  I will use up what I have left now. 

I watched no Christmas shows this year, went to no tree lightings or outdoor festivals.  The season, which I intended to pass in that sophisticated holiday way, just got by me.  Other than exchanging gifts with My New Old Friend and going to my mother's neighbor's house last night, there was little to remind me.  

I didn't even buy myself a present this year.  Odd.  But I've been injured and I've been mopey, so there is that.  Dinner with my mother today will put an end to the season. 

Jesus--talk about a Dexter Downer. . . .  Here.  let me cheer you up.  It is below freezing here in the Sunny South, currently twenty-eight degrees.  It's all fun and games until one of the pipes freezes. . . wait. . . that's not cheery.  

All over the east coast just now, people are waking up to sweet buns and presents.  Ribbons and Christmas wrappings litter living room floors.  Parents' sleepily smile.  Here and there, a champagne cork may pop.  I hope so.  

I've been texting in the dark of night with friends who are waking up alone.  There are plenty of them, adult orphans, divorcees. . . .  And there are people waking up with the wrong person, too, who would maybe rather not.  There are all sorts of Christmas mornings.  

But here's one to pick us all up.  I may know someone would love to be in Hawaii today,. 


  1. Here's to not waking up with the wrong person! Merry Christmas to you, C.S.

    Thank you for all the words and pictures and music. XX
