Sunday, July 7, 2024

A "Meh" Picture and Another Bland Report

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.  This kid nailed it.  

O.K.  It doesn't deserve this kind of trumpeting, but I am happy I asked this boy if I could take his picture.  I mean. . . an actual stranger on the street.  

He was the only one, though.  I went to the cute little city with the huge farmer's market half an hour to the north yesterday.  With cameras.  It is harder than ever to walk around the streets with a camera.  People stare.  Maybe it is just me.  I don't know.  But people are suspicious.  

"Try that in a small town."

I did.  It was weird to be in a big crowd again--with cameras.  But this guy with his dogs. . . . Nice boy.  

I'm trying to change my life a bit.  Even my mother says I need to get away.  I'm checking on things.  Meanwhile, I get used to going.  

C.C.'s been in NYC all week.  Sends pics.  A friend who grew up there went back recently and said the city still wasn't all the way back.  Yesterday he sent pictures from Coney Island.  And here's the thing.  Nobody pays attention to you if you take pictures with your phone.  That seems to be o.k.  Hold your phone at arm's length and frame away.  People don't know, I guess, whether or not you are taking a selfie.  Maybe that's what I should do, practice that "selfie face," neck bent, head tilted, big smile, and snap away at the street.  

But I don't care.  I don't want to photograph people in the street anymore, really.  I want to get some chutzpah and embed myself in some micro culture and document.  

I won't.  I wanted to do a series on backyard pools this summer.  You see how that has gone.  

I bought fifteen rolls of Kokak TriX b&w film yesterday.  I'm stupid.  Something has gone wrong with the last two rolls of film I have developed.  I don't remember ever having that problem when I was taking photo classes in college.  I don't remember ever having a bad roll.  Have I gotten sloppy?  I don't know.  But film is a lot of work if, like me, you develop and scan it yourself.  I scanned 36 frames yesterday of a damaged roll and didn't have a single picture I liked.  It took hours to find that out.  

I should do with this what I've done the past two and just delete it, but at least I wasn't whining.  Or was I?  It's not really a good picture, after all.   

But maybe, if I just get out of town. . . . 

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