Friday, July 12, 2024

Early Work

Christ, even the republicans are watching Biden now that he is melting like the Wicked Witch of the West right before our very eyes.  Inside sources reported Trump had his first boner since he screwed a porn "star" years ago, back when he and Epstein were the Party Boys of NYC.  But Biden is a walking experiment now.  He is the poster child for the long term effects of adrenochrome, which he began taking on the advice of the Clintons.  It's a sad fact that sooner or later, the ravages of adrenal gland exposure will catch up to you in the end like all the ill-gotten wages of sin.  

You can't cheat the Devil. 

You can only try.

I gave a five foot print of this photo to Q years ago.  He complained.  He wanted one, so I sent him something safe.  But he never hung it.  Framing alone would cost him $300 minimum if it is done right.  So, I am confident, it lies curled and probably ruined by rubber bands or humidity in some closet or under the bed.  It's a wonderful picture, one of my favorites.  If I can get him to send it back when he packs to move back east, I'll frame it and hang it in my living room.  His is the only copy.  

I've only thought of it because 591 Photography recently posted some of my old work again.  I was both surprised and flattered as they have published some of the better contemporary photographers of our time.  

Thirteen years have passed, but C.S.'s exhibition still stands as one of the most remarkable efforts on 591.  I have made some small updates, so you can enjoy the full album again.

I looked at the old exhibition and thought I could make another, better one now.  That one could be earmarked "The Early Work."  Given another chance. . . . 

But I gave all that up years ago.  It is an old story.  It was probably for the better in the long run.  

"There were days, though, my friend. . . ."

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