Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Let Us Sport Us While We May

 I came home from my mother's yesterday and made a cocktail.

I was feeling good.  I had done a limpy shuffle run in the morning and followed that up with a trip to the gym.  I could feel the hands of the clock turning backwards.  The yard crew came, then the cleaning crew.  I left the house to them and had a coffee at the Cafe Strange.  Sitting on the deck with the cat, a nice breeze blowing the cooler air. . . I felt groovy.  

When I went inside, I prepped dinner--jasmine rice, Brussels sprouts, and some leftover pork loin--got the rice and sprouts going, and sat down on the couch.  I turned on the television and Amazon Prime advertised the Harris/Walz rally.  I clicked on it just as Walz began speaking.  I had my doubts about Walz.  Too much Woke baggage.  I'd hoped she'd pick somebody more moderate.  

But man. . . he blew the roof off!  Even I got excited.  How fortuitous, I thought, that I turned on the television just at that moment and saw this (link).  

Now old "Mo" (momentum) is on Harris' side.  It looks like the Party of Hate vs. the Party of Joy.  

But here's the thing.  It is still 50/50.  I know Trumpers.  They feel about Harris the way I feel about Trump.  They feel about Trump the way I feel about Harris.  I mean, we don't agree with a lot of what they stand for.  There are those on each side, of course, that are rabid.  We don't like them, neither of us.  So. . . we are going to vote against what we don't like.  As one of my conservative buddies put it, this election is a train wreck wrapped in a circus.  

It will turn into a War of the Memes.  

I'm going to try to keep my political opinions to a minimum, but I keep getting prodded by one side or the other.  Really. . . how many of you are "undecided"?  Do people really think a political cartoon is going to change anyone's mind at this point?  It is going to come down to how many voters on each side go to the polls.  It's going to come down to the Electoral College.  It may come down to riots in the streets.  

I just want to exercise, eat, drink, and socialize a bit.  There are enough horrible things I must do in life.  I don't need the daily aggravation of political commentary.  Fuck. . . I must worry about hurricanes for the next two months.  People should be nicer to one another.  

You know sooner or later someone will "drop the big one" and that you have no control over that.  Just your one vote in one country.  

Empowering, right?  So. . . 

Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapt power.
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life:
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.


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