Friday, September 20, 2024

What's a Fellow to Do?

I shouldn't write this morning.  I had a most terrible night.  I won't go into it, but my good mood is spoiled.  I was feeling quite lovely, really, all day long.  My hair is radiant.  I got complimented and started to believe that my long walks were paying off, that I was becoming more svelte, that my face was thinning. . . the whole thing.  I made a mistake, of course, and took a selfie in the bathroom mirror, and the result was quite awful.  I took several.  Nope.  They were all hideous.  Still, I was able to succor myself somewhat.  

"It will just take time.  You can't do it overnight."

That's the old saw.  

I went to the cafe to get some of their great green tea.  They were out of the one I wanted.  I got another that was not loose leaf.  The moody girl at the counter was not on the friendly side that day.  I tried writing.  It was awful.  All I could get out was, "You need to be more productive."  I was determined to go home after visiting my mother and start building a photography website.  

When I went to see my mother, she was watching "Gunsmoke" and so I did that with her for most of an hour.  I am always amazed at how liberal a show it was.  Matt Dillon stood up for every minority, every prostitute, and against white racists and moralists in every show.  It was the longest running show of all time.  That's what I thought, at least, until I Googled it (link).  It did run, however, for 20 seasons, beginning in 1955.  

But that was not my idea of visiting my mother.  I left before the episode ended and drove tot he grocery store, came home, and had a Campari.  I was out of live soda water, however, and had to make it with flat.  Not good.  Then I made the Japanese noodle bowl I loved so much.  I did everything the way I always do.  

It sucked.  

But those were the better part of the day.  All I'm saying.  

I'll try again today, of course, but I know I'll need a nap.  Nothing will get done.  And then it will be Friday night.  

What's a fellow to do?

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