Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

The printer is a no-go.  I wrote to the owner and he sent me a picture of the head check print out.  It is as bad as my big printer and beyond saving.  

I've not decided about the scooter yet.  I'm going to have to use the Magic 8 Ball for that one.  

I just got my new copy of Reader's Digest in the mail.  Did you know hydrogen peroxide will take out blood stains?  That or baking soda.  They have some good articles and it isn't that expensive, really.  I got a deal by bundling it with the T.V. guide.  That has some pretty good articles, too.  

That fellow on Fox was rude to Kamala Harris yesterday.  I was shocked.  He wouldn't let her talk.  Maybe he is a member of Hamas.  

Oops.  I don't want to get in trouble with the Pro-Palestinians.  

Just kidding.  I don't care.  

I had a job once.  They were always encouraging people to "think outside the box."  Ha!  They were always trying to put me back in it, but then someone would come along and turn the handle.  

I actually stole that from C.C.  It was his line. But a good writer must be a good thief.  I've met several.  None of them liked me.  

I think that I need to use that short sleeve plaid shirt and a popsicle disguise when I go out to take photos.  It's a darn good one.  Nobody seems to care at all.  I think disguising myself as a woman would be better, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.  I do think people would be nicer to me, though.  I could probably even take pictures of children.  Newspapers run headlines like "One hundred and five people killed in attack, including children."  Children are the future, I'm reminded.  

I was walking with one of my favorite profs in grad school once, just the two of us.  In a candid moment, I guess, he said to me, "You just like to piss people off, don't you?"  I was taken aback for a second, but only a second, and then I laughed.  "I prefer to think of it as shaking people out of their complacency," I responded.  He seemed to like that.  

But yea. . . people don't enjoy having their ideas about things challenged.  I know my bosses at the factory didn't enjoy it all that much, but I was playing to a different crowd.  The workers enjoyed it a lot. . . as long as I wasn't standing too close to them.  

I think the door was left open too long, though.  It seems a lot of people got out of the box.  Some of them got together and made new boxes.  MAGA, The Woke, etc.  People like boxes, I think.  They feel safe in them.  

As Hemingway said in To Have and to Have Not, "[A] man alone ain't got no bloody fucking chance." 

He meant "person."  I believe so.  

I am taking my mother to another Happy Hour event tonight.  It seems I have created something.  Her neighbor asked her yesterday if we were all going.  What can I say?  The girls like getting out.  So it will be another night of hot dogs, soft pretzels, and beer, I guess.  

Man. . . I am living the dream.  

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