Monday, January 20, 2025

Coronation Day

O.K.  Only a couple of you will know what this image even is.  But today is bass-akwards, as the hillbillies used to say, and we must either watch or hide from the coronation of King Don this afternoon and either hope for the best or despair.  Or, like most people I know, you can just check out and read the funny pages.  

Funny pages?  Do they even have those anymore?  You bet they do.  I think.  I subscribe to The Washington Post, and at the bottom of their e-paper there is a link on which you can click.  For example:


Oh. . . that might not work for you if you are not a WaPo subscriber.  Selavy.  You can use The Google, I guess and find your favorites.  Probably, anyway.  

I mean, you can see lots of things still on the internet.  TikTok is back after a Supreme Court decision to let the ban stand.  King Don, however, wants it back. . . so it's back.  Whatever the King wants. . . . 

How did it happen, this crowning?  I'm convinced it was that Sheridan guy and all his t.v. shows.  "Yellowstone," of course, but even "Land Man" for which I have subscribed to Paramount in order to watch.  Everyone said it was a great show.  It's O.K.  I don't think it is great.  Billy Bob Thornton is always a hoot to watch, of course, but I don't think anything else in the show holds up to his performances.  But that show, like "Yellowstone," harkens back to "the day."  People are sick of "the new," it seems.  Not all people, but a majority, apparently.  Even many who voted for Harris.  And those shows are fuel.  They remind us of times when men were men and women were men and. . . wait. . . what am I saying?  

But you catch my drift.  Tougher people with more resolve and a lot less weeping.  What was it that Frank Gallagher said on "Shameless"--you just have to take it up the ass and soldier on?  Yea.  Something like that.  

Well. . . we have our opportunity now, I think.  Old King Don is going to give it to some people.  Now we'll see who has the resolve to soldier on.  

But that is not what is really on my mind.  I just got sidetracked by reading the headlines today.  I got an invitation to a Capricorn Party at the cafe yesterday from the old writer/artist friend I ran into a month ago.  He wanted me to meet a guy who just published his first novel.  He has been nominated or has won several writing awards including one of the PENs, and has been published in many lit mags.  I sent the invitation to my writer buddy in from NYC who has published everywhere as a journalist, and it turned out that he knows both fellows.  The party started at eight, and I fantasized that I would be able to go, but I was not feeling well and the day dragged on and in the end it did not seem right to leave my mother home alone, so in the late afternoon, I texted everyone that I wouldn't make it.  Rather, I made dinner form mother, read, and watched an episode of "Land Man."  The fellows texted me a selfie of the three of them at the bar later that night having fun,


I will have lunch with them one day this week, I guess.  So it seems.  

Let me circle back before I close.  People want TikTok no matter what.  It doesn't matter that it might be a danger to national security or that it has been banned in so many other countries.  I'm not on TikTok, so I can't really comment on the content.  I don't know.  What I think I know is that King Don wants it, so it is back, and I am out of step with most of America.  Somehow TikTok represents "freedom" to its users.  You would be banned if you posted any of my "Lonesomeville" pics, I understand, but "freedom" has its limits, I guess.  

Fuck, man. . . whatever.  I still write a blog like it's the oughts.  TikTok, I'm told. . . that's where you can get noticed.  And X.  

I am not on X, either.  

"Dude. . . are you still on MySpace?"

No. . . but I do have another anonymous Substack account.  Is that cool?  I even have subscribers and I get REAL data on how many people read my posts.  I even get comments and subscribers who offer me money.  And now I have people suggesting where I might submit if I want to get something published.  But, you know. . . what's the point?  You are aware of how I feel about rejection.  I can just write and pretend.  Pretending's fun.  

Still, sometimes, I get invited out by the elites.

O.K.  Mom is up and asking me to do some laundry.  Such is life.  Mine, I mean.  I need to get going anyway.  I have a luncheon date with an old friend from out of town.  My life is a cabaret.  A sad and often lonely cabaret, but it is mine.  

Enjoy the Coronation!  I'll be here. . .  soldiering on.  

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