Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Even the Dead Can Dance

The time change is wearing me out.  I've been staying up way too late.  Maybe it's the liquor.  Hell. . . it could be Trump.  The ways of the world can be wicked, and I am not immune.  It is fun at the time, sure.  Last night I stayed up until one-thirty playing my guitar.  I haven't played guitar for a very long time.  I was howling out "Ring of Fire" over and over again.  I'm sure the neighbors could hear me.  I don't know.  I may have been possessed.  But now that I think about it, "Ring of Fire" is a good trope.  

The present makes one yearn for the Days of Covid and Social Distancing, doesn't it?  Things were so quiet and calm.  It seems people now live in a constant, agonizing, and meaningless frenzy.  

"Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!"

Perhaps I was simply not tired, though. I sat through the entire day.  It stormed badly here in the morning.  There were tornadoes touching down in the near distance.  Friends sent a photo of them sitting in their closet with their dog.  


But it was so nasty, I hesitated leaving the house for the gym, and then it was too late.  I had to be up in Factory City for lunch with my former secretary at 12:30.  

She brought my current replacement twice removed. 

We ended up having a three hour lunch.  No kidding.  When we looked at the time, I panicked.  I was going to be late in getting my mother to her physical therapy appointment.  I called her and asked her to have my cousin drop her off.  I'd be there soon after.  I drove maniacally to get there when suddenly it occurred to me--her appointment wasn't until Wednesday.  But when I got to the facility, my mother was already in her session.

Not her session.  She had gotten there early and they took her because the person who was scheduled had cancelled their appointment.  

I sat through my mother's session, then I took her home.  We sat with my cousin for a couple hours chatting.  Then I went home, worn out, I guess, from sitting.  

There are different kinds of fatigue.  The one I had did not make me sleepy.  Neither did the liquor.  

Oh, shit. . . I'm starting to remember last night now.  I went to the computer.  I listened to music for a long time.  Old music.  I listened to things over and over again, the same song in different versions, extended cuts, remixes, etc.  Then (cringe) I sent them to people.  Lots of songs.  Lots of people.  After midnight.  


I'm blaming it on the time change.  


I'll get more exercise today.  Until then. . . keep on dancing. . . and a prancing.  

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