Sunday, August 25, 2019


Just another Sunday racing out of August.  I hear there is a hint of autumn in the air up there.  Here, we prepare for hurricanes.  One is forming in the Atlantic now.  I am trying to book a trip to NYC, but it is hard to pull the trigger when the weather can be so unpredictable.  In NYC, I mean.  I've been there in September when the remnants of a hurricane was causing shitty weather.  I don't want to spend a lot of money for that again.

NYC, and then exotic Detroit in November. Life is better when you have a destination or two ahead of you.

But hanging out in the park on a sunny day isn't the worst thing in the world.  The sun is shining.  Perhaps that is what I'll do.


  1. Yes - today was delightful. A tinge of autumn in the air but still beach weather. My cousin left this morning -- we had a great time hanging out, laughing, cooking and getting stoned in the She Shed. Which is coming along so nicely - it's like glamping in your own backyard. i will probably live out there next summer when it is complete. :)

    We made her grandmother's pierogis from scratch. Man they were so good ... made the Depression Dough (no eggs which were saved for more valuable meals). Potato & cheese stuffing - then served with carmelized onions over the top. Yum.

    My son and his girl are coming up from Philly on Thursday - staying through the Labor Day weekend extravaganza. So sad. Summer being over and all. Hopefully I'll get some good September beach days - a different light - nice and quiet.

    What are you going to do in Detroit?
