Sunday, October 18, 2020



What terrors grip you in the night?  We all have our demons, right?  Doubts?  Regrets?  Paranoid fears?  What do you do to quell the horror?  

O.K.  I'm being melodramatic for effect.  But I have had more bad dreams in the last few months than I have had in the previous. . . oh, I don't know. . . ever?  When I wake in the night, I can't escape the thing I've been dreaming.  The atmosphere blankets me in the dark.  Sometimes getting up, drinking water, passing water, and getting back into bed helps, but not always, and less and less as the months have passed.  It is Covid dreaming, they say.  It is a new phenomenon.  

Someone is going to make a buck.  

I would imagine that older people are haunted more.  What does a young kid fear?  Spooky monsters?  Those, as I remember, were almost fun.  The dreams of old men are rooted in some past reality or some future certainty.  They are not the wild chasing and escape dreams of youth.  Oh, god, for a few of those again.  No, they are commonplace horrors so real you can taste them.  

Perhaps it is no wonder I would look back into some beautifully failed past.  

I try to take sweet thoughts to bed with me, of course.  I don't lie down with thoughts of failure and doom. But somewhere in the night, I hear a voice like this.  

Not really.  What disturbs my sleep is much more quotidian and mundane.  Mundane horrors are more terrifying and real than the drama of our lives.  Drama fades.  The inevitable commonplace stays with us.  

Or so it seems to me. 

My dead ex-friend Brando used to say that the interstate was only a few miles away.  He meant that when things get bad, you can always leave.  He did.  After he cheated my friends and me and stole from his own girl, when everything finally got really bad, he moved to Greece.  That is where he died.  I don't plan on moving to Greece and dying--not now, anyway--but there are things I can change.  I should quit drinking, of course.  I could change my entire diet.  I will fast today, and maybe tomorrow, too.  I've thought of eating only lentils and brown jasmine rice every other day. The rest of the time, I can eat normally (whatever that means).  Starvation has never hurt anyone.  Skinny people live much longer.  Q wrote to tell me of his incredible weight loss.  It was either that or he lost his small dog, I can't really tell.  The poundage seems about the same either way.  His communiques are always obscure and incomplete.  I must forget on Tuesday what he told me on Monday.  It is his way.  

The world has changed, and not for the better.  I will attempt to counteract that in my own paltry way.  PMA, the hippies used to say--Positive Mental Attitude.  

If only.  


  1. "A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels. Often in evolutionary processes a species must adapt to new conditions in order to survive. Today we must abandon competition and secure cooperation. This must be the central fact in all our considerations....otherwise we face certain disasters."

    Albert Einstein.

    Cooperation as power. Power. We need to make power less about domination and more about cooperation.

    We need the good & just brains of women & men working together.

    The Feminine Principle. I'm going there next.

    I also understand from my reading and research there is real fear about the "feminization of culture." That there are websites devoted to this "horrific" thought. That I should look up "mens rights." I have not gone there yet but will. Sebastian Junger and Brett McKay-type thinking - I think.

    Ya know, I like men a a lot. And I can't really say that I have been made to feel "less than" - except by one person in my life. I have always felt free to speak my mind (I think maybe you know that). I've been attempting to figure myself out some - over this Covid Era. I don't know if that is a worthwhile project or not.

    But I am concerned about how the more general world has been dealing with women. Is that a wrong phrase?

    "Dealing with?" Sometimes all these words are too much but often I can't pull myself away.

    I've been sort of locked up in a different world -it seems.

    I probably shouldn't even be talking solely about the cisgendered - but everything gets so complicated.

    Love is the answer, ya know. It's hard sometimes. But it is the Way. And people of all sexes and orientations are capable of Love. It shouldn't be hard - Love is good for everyone and the world.

    I think I envy all the factory work you have done. Probably you discussed these types of things over and over over the years. With intelligent people.

    Okay I could go on and on. But let's talk about U.

    I recommend a bubble bath before bed. I like Dr. Teals Lavender Epsom salts. Hot and steamy with that fragrance wafting up in your face. A bubble for two would be even better tho, right? I know. I like that. And maybe you can't tub. For some reason. Even Dr. Teals lavender in the shower can work wonders for relaxation - but submersion is healing.

    I took a long, hot, lone one last night with a book I had found while cleaning the basement out for the yard sale that I'm failing at right now.

    I got out of the tub, swigged down the rest of red wine, took an edible and crashed. I woke up at 4:30 to the sound of the owls. Hooting at each other. It was really lovely.

    Oh shit back to you.

    I'm sorry for your nightmares and bad dreams. :(.

    Oh. One, more last thing:

    Edward Lewis: “So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?”

    Vivian: “She rescues him right back."

    That's from a movie called "Pretty Woman." A movie I know by heart and probably shouldn't - cause it is probably not right for a woman or anyone to like it - fuck

    why can't we just be the best we - we can be? Why is everything labeled and coded. Judged. Sure the movie is a fantasy, a "chick flick" a "rom- com". but I always believed that those lines - the equal-ness - balance were pretty good words to live by inside a relationship of any kind. The ole,

    "I got your back."

    Okies. Best to you on the quest for healthy food. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    I never heard of PMA. But sure, give it a go.

    1. OK, coach. I'll give it a shot. A new type of thinking and love. The only answers. What was the question?

  2. The terror that grips me most in the night is that I will wake up.

    Just today an acquaintance was asking people to compose their own obituaries.

    Mine was short and alliterative:

    “Dead. Decaying. Dirt.”

    This is my Positive Mental Attitude, eternal silence and no more roar in the skull.

    That Crazy Girlfriend is what most voices sound like to me. A Screech. A Bray. Call it what you will, when there are voices my nerves are on the outside of my skin.

    I have rarely heard a spoken voice that was in the least comforting.

    I think that is why I prefer the written word. Your Emily’s for example.

    Yours for example.

    Catch you on the flip side

    1. I know what you mean. People like to 'set you straight.' There's a lot of advice out there and a lot of meanness. The only ones for me are those who can turn it into art. Well, not the only ones. I always fall for people before they leave the crazy message. I have my own flaws, I guess.
