Sunday, December 6, 2020



After a cloudy start, yesterday was picture perfect.  The air was clear and dry, the temperature a flawless seventy.  In the afternoon, I went to a friend's shop to look for a cabinet to replace the one Ili took with her.  The store sells furniture from Thailand and India, battered old colorful things, and I may have found a good if not perfect piece for the spot.  My friend always gives me a hefty discount, but he has several shops and is not working at this particular one.  I know where to find him, but I am not going to directly ask for a discount, especially in these hard times for retailers.  But the thing is a bit pricey and I don't know if I can justify it.  Still, going and finding it was fun.  I took measurements and told the fellow there I would be back.  

Driving away, on the very street where I was almost killed, I saw a sign for another of my friend's camera repair shop.  What?  I didn't know he'd moved.  It was a beautiful old house with a courtyard separating it from another house in the rear.  I pulled in and went up in astonishment.  I was given a royal tour of the place though it is not completed yet.  I exclaimed that I was going to set up an 8x10 camera in their courtyard and take photos all day.  I would be like the old guy at the bank drinking the free coffee. They laughed.  I don't think they took me seriously.  

I was excited when I left, and so I drove to the camera store to see if the kids knew about the new shop.  They looked at me like I was a nut.  Of course they did.  

That is when I realized that I hadn't been away from the house for months.  Other people have human interactions.  I have my mother and Mr. Fixit.  Saturday was the first time I felt the human experience in a very, very long time.  I was like a kid in a candy store.  Sunshine.  Shopping.  Social interaction.  Fuck.  

Am I the only one?  

From there, I went to the art supply store.  It was full of shoppers.  Pretty ones.  You know. . . art types.  I could feel my body tremble.  

I knew my life was in the shitter, but once I smelled fresh air. . . . 

I stopped at the liquor store to get some sake, then I went to my mother's.  It was earlier than my usual visits, and we sat in the cool sunshine and talked about the same things we talk about every time.  The veil began to descend once again.  I could feel the big energy suck drawing the short span of joy out of me.  In an attempt to fend off the inevitable, I bid her adieu and went to the hipster plaza to order a big sushi dinner.  While I waited for it, I went into the little hipster shops around it.  The beauty of the day had yet to fade.  I was missing a few ingredients, but I wanted my life back again. 

Back home, it was getting too chilly to eat outside, so I set up in front of the television and searched YouTube for Nabokov.  I watched two pretty good documentaries while I ate and drank.  

Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as "nymphets".

It will be marked that I substitute time terms for spatial ones. In fact, I would have the reader see "nine" and "fourteen" as the boundaries--the mirrory beaches and rosy rocks--of an enchanted island haunted by those nymphets of mine and surrounded by a vast, misty sea. Between those age limits, are all girl-children nymphets? Of course not. Otherwise, we who are in the know, we lone voyagers, we nympholepts, would have long gone insane. Neither are good looks any criterion; and vulgarity, or at least what a given community terms so, does not necessarily impair certain mysterious characteristics, the fey grace, the elusive, shifty, soul-shattering, insidious charm that separates the nymphet from such coevals of hers as are incomparably more dependent on the spatial world of synchronous phenomena than on that intangible island of entranced time where Lolita plays with her likes. Within the same age limits the number of true nymphets is strikingly inferior to that of provisionally plain, or just nice, or "cute", or even "sweet" and "attractive," ordinary, plumpish, formless, cold-skinned, essentially human little girls, with tummies and pigtails, who may or may not turn into adults of great beauty (look at the ugly dumplings in black stockings and white hats that are metamorphosed into stunning stars of the screen). A normal man given a group photograph of school girls or Girl Scouts and asked to point out the comeliest one will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them. You have to be an artist and a madman, a creature of infinite melancholy, with a bubble of hot poison in your loins and a super-voluptuous flame permanently aglow in your subtle spine (oh, how you have to cringe and hide!), in order to discern at once, by ineffable signs--the slightly feline outline of a cheekbone, the slenderness of a downy limb, and other indices which despair and shame and tears of tenderness forbid me to tabulate--the little deadly demon among the wholesome children; *she* stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.

Holy shit.  I shuttered the windows as this was read aloud by A.S. Byatt.  She was stunned, she said, by the truth and beauty of it.  No one would dare to say such a thing any longer.  The lockdown we suffer is not just viral.  On my travels yesterday, I drove by a very large and adamant group of Trumpers protesting the election.  One version of the Chinese Curse is, "May you live in interesting times."  

As night fell, I fell, too, asleep once more while watching "Mank."  It is the movie, I think, not me.  I will have to finish it tonight.  I don't think it is far from being over.  

I curbed my whiskey appetite last night and at evening's end suited up in my sleep analysis outfit.  I knew I would never be able to sleep in it, and I was right.  I tried.  I gave it my all.  At four a.m., I gave up and took the tubes and wires off.  I will need to do it again tonight, but they are not going to get a full night out of me.  I will not suffer as long this time. 

Now, Sunday, I wish to have the same mania as I had yesterday.  Such a thing is impossible, of course, but I will give it a shot, for next week is all doom and gloom.  I am already suffering anxiety about it.  Before I know it, the holiday season will be gone and I will have lost an entire year.  But we will save that for later.  Now. . . I must away. . . as they used to say.  


  1. I love writing.

    I logged on to "Poem of the Day" and the title was this:

    "Crossing New Mexico with Weldon Kees"

    I mean he isn't that popular and I mentioned him yesterday. It's like Strings. Have I ever left the Robinson poems here?

    (I'm stoned)

    I had a love affair with Mr. Kees. Though of course it wasn't carnal - well for me it sort of was but in the mind fucking best way possible. Like we mind fucked. But it wasn't sexual but it was. On the highest plane.

    I know it is crazy that I love dead poets. And artists. I love alive ones too. But I love dead ones just the same. Cause they left all that stuff behind and we can still mind fuck. Like thinking about the work - you know? Which should be very much alive - if it is Good.

    I think we would have been good friends. He spent time in Provincetown. I feel like I have written all this here before.

    My Robinson Poems are some of the favorite that I wrottted. I mean cause I fell in love with Robinson.

    Anyway. I love writing. And all sorts of things. I just got home from an event which I will write about in a bit - but first I must tell you. I just had 15 minutes of a loving conversation with an owl. It is cold. But he was hooting for me. When I got out of my car. And we conversed for 15 minutes or more. I KNOW if I stayed out there he would have come to the tree close to me. I felt sort of bad - leaving him out there with no one to talk to. But I had to come in so I could unwind. By coming to the Cafe.

    And writing. If T was still here - I would be blabbing all this to him. Until I passed out from exhaustion.

    Hey! Yay you! You lived. A little. All it takes is a little these days to give one a sense of life. I think - maybe there will be a Great Wave of Appreciation for things when the World opens up again. And it will. I know it.

    Oh. I could tell you about the auction. And the items I consigned and the results of the sales and that a little tin type of the injured one armed Confederate soldier sold for $9,000 (wasn't mine came from Alabama). But I want to read a Robinson poem write now - cause I feel like Mr. Kees is sending me a message so hold on ...

    I'm a little freaked out I can't find my Mr. Kees' poem book. I know it is around I have had it out during the Plague several times. I'll have to internet search it which doesn't feel nearly the same as opening the book



    The dog stops barking after Robinson has gone.
    His act is over. The world is a gray world,
    Not without violence, and he kicks under the grand piano,
    The nightmare chase well under way.

    The mirror from Mexico, stuck to the wall,
    Reflects nothing at all. The glass is black.
    Robinson alone provides the image Robinsonian.

    Which is all of the room—walls, curtains,
    Shelves, bed, the tinted photograph of Robinson’s first wife,
    Rugs, vases, panatellas in a humidor.
    They would fill the room if Robinson came in.

    The pages in the books are blank,
    The books that Robinson has read. That is his favorite chair,
    Or where the chair would be if Robinson were here.

    All day the phone rings. It could be Robinson
    Calling. It never rings when he is here.

    Outside, white buildings yellow in the sun.
    Outside, the birds circle continuously
    Where trees are actual and take no holiday.


  2. Oh. Can you not understand how I needed to take care of him?

    Maybe I left my Robinson poems here all ready. I took him to the Fair. Well there are several.

    Anyway. There is only 1 think I will miss that sold.

    I will not have a day off until next Saturday. And I have the last day of my seminar tomorrow. UGH. And I have to take my Ma for bloodwork at 6AM. Sigh again.

    But that's okay cause she's my Ma and we are buddies her and I. I think I'm going to make some videos of her - cause she's 89.

    Oh that makes me feel sad. But that is life innit.

    Okies. I prolly have dark circles under my eyes - I haven't slept well. The Tylenol PM did a flip on me - it made me buzz awake and not pass out. :(. I was sad cause they had been working. I have a few nerve pills from the Beautician. I'm going to take one tonight - I need to get sleep. I have a loooooooooong week ahead of me.

    So. I hope you set up your Courtyard Camera Sessions. That would be kinda swell wouldn't it?

    Maybe when you get unlazy. And you are out and trembling in the air and all.


  3. Oh Shit. I forgot to mention - the only book I have but have not read yet (was given to me by a former British girlfriend of my son (she turned out to be crazy and sent my son into one of his worst Episodes but I sort of loved her cause she was crazy and smart) is "The Children's Book."

    I guess I should read it this winter. I've had it for a while. I gave her many lovely things - thrifted & estate sale things. I gave her a gorgeous in perfect condition set of Mid-Century Japanese Kokeshi wood dolls - I know she loved them.

    She gave me that book. She said it was one of her favorites.

    Whew. Time for bedtime rituals.
