Saturday, December 5, 2020

Winter Festival


The Boulevard was barricaded yesterday for the Winter Festival.  That is what they call lighting the Christmas tree and singing Christmas songs.  We like to have our Winter Festival in the Autumn here.  We just can't wait.  Well, they have to call it something, I guess, and Winter is innocuous and essentially inclusive, so we must cheer the hearts of our city fathers and mothers.  

Just now, as I sit and write, they are beginning the parade.  They probably call it the Winter Parade now, but the last float is Santa Claus.  I guess they sing, "It's beginning to look a lot like oatmeal" now, too.  I'm trying to think up a special name for Hanukkah.   Oh, wait. . . it is already called The Festival of Lights.  

I was tempted to go this morning--with my camera.  I've done it so many times before.  But then I remembered that NYC had pretty much cancelled the Macy's parade, and I assume that is out of what people love to say now, "an abundance of caution."  A phrase like that gets caught in people's brains and they can't quit repeating it.  I think one of the Disney former child stars should make an album with that title.  I started to say Selena Gomez, but I don't think we are allowed to talk about her any more.  So let me be clear.  I stayed home out of. . . prudence.  I'm a prude--this year, anyway.  I keep hearing Dr. Fauci telling me to stay home, to avoid crowds.  Well, you know, I can do my part.  It is easy, you see, for I am lazy.  It is easier to sit at home than to get together a kit and to make my way to the parade.  Besides, it isn't what it used to be when the luxuriously glamorous Betsy Martin would show up with a paper cup of coffee in last night's party dress.  Yes, things were fun back then.  We lived the lives of modern romantics throwing caution to the wind.  The streets were not as crowded then, either.  The hoi-polloi had yet to find their way to the Boulevard.  Now, the place looks like Disney on a Saturday.  There is no trace of anyone like Betsy or her minions to be found.  

Should I tell you how they all turned out?  Oh, you can surely guess.  The world's a fine and rotten place.  Fortunes change.  

O.K.  Betsy's selling real estate now.  

This is one of my cousins.  He's dead now.  Died of AIDS.  He was a cute little shit, but he was twisted even as a child.  It was chemical, I'm sure.  He'd be sweet and want you to hold him, and then he'd flip and punch you in the nose as hard as he could.  He ran on fructose as a kid, all hyperactivity and trouble.  He spawned many children before he started turning tricks.  What can I say.  It's the hillbilly way.  

I had just gotten interested in photography then.  I think it was the movie "Blow Up" that did it.  I got a Mamiya camera and a Kodak book on how to take better pictures.  

I was fascinated by the way a camera translated what I saw.  Photographs transformed the world around me.  It didn't seem nearly as paltry.  I became a first class shutterbug.  My camera went with me everywhere.  

At least that is how it seems.  So here is my nutty little cousin at the Winter Tree getting ready to open his Winter presents.  Just scanned.  I thought it apropos.  

Last night, I started watching "Mank."  I fell asleep early on.  I don't think it was the movie's fault.  I was supposed to hook myself up to instruments last night before bed, but I had grilled a hanger steak and Brussels sprouts and a red potato and had a nice bottle of wine and then a couple night caps, so it didn't seem like the right time to get tested and measured.  I will try to restrain myself a bit tonight so that I can watch a movie and instrument up.  I am supposed to do that for two nights.  Two sleepless nights, I presume.  

There are only twenty days until Christmas, kids.  It will fly by quickly.  You'd better get your orders in to Santa Amazon now or you will be sorry.  

I'll be home for Christmas.  Home Alone.  I'll be Home Alone for Christmas.  After that, I'll tell you a story.  But there are some stories that must wait until then.  

1 comment:

  1. Lolita

    Sweet nymph
    pausing at the edge of the grotto,
    I see your eyes
    know too much
    and you wound me.

    Shall I seize your holy flesh,
    press you against me?
    Taste you
    in violation
    of all law and custom
    and thus satisfy the crushing tide?

    I cannot foul your beauty with words.
    I should expire
    and as a ghost
    whisper your unknown name
    unto eternity
    exhaling my evil vapors
    over your naked innocence
    as if I'd found you
    fast asleep
    at the edge
    of my wood.

    By My Darling Poet Many Years Ago.

    I dunno. I was thinking about nymphs.


    That's some crazy hairdo. I mean not you this time. The Kid. And look - all those presents. It used to be like that - remember? Mountains of them.

    I had a cousin and a cousin in law - both die of AIDs. I remember when huge swathes of guys we danced with at the clubs started disappearing - dying. Good God those were such awful times - the stigma associated with the disease - the horrendous dying. *shiver*

    There are parts of this that read a bit like a Weldon Kees poem. The Betsy Martin part especially.

    Did you take pictures of her in her party dress morning after????

    I remember once I rolled into my parents driveway (where I still lived cause I was only a junior in hs) at like noon on a Sunday still wearing a pink toga (I had draped it halter style - so good and different from the rest) from two nights before. I was a very bad girl. Frank Pucilowski kidnapped me the first hour I arrived at the toga party. He was a college boy home for break - was a big football star at my high school.

    I walked into the party with my friend Caroline - and within fifteen minutes he approached me and said something like "why didn't I know you existed til now."

    It was a good line and won him great favor. There was no one home at his family house - I can still remember taking a bath with him in his parents pink carpeted bathroom - WTF who carpeted their bathroom???

    A very 1980's raunchy movie. Fer sure. Not prudent in the least.

    Anyway. He was a real cad mostly. Oh. The point was - my father was pulling into the driveway at the same time I was. God he was a loving Pop. He just shook his head and told me to get inside and get dressed or something like that.

    Okies. That's my store for the night. Prolly I'll still be around when you tell yours.
