Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Garden of Earthly Delights


I watched this the other night (link).  I'm not sure exactly where the link will take you, but you should watch Season One, Episode Two.  That is the one that struck me.  It seemed the most robust response I've heard to the Woke obsession with identity that I have heard, all without directly addressing it.  

How do the Woke dream?  Of what, I mean.  Desire and fantasies have a place in art.  Some art, however, seems unpalatable if not too effective at influencing the public discourse, or so the argument seems to go without being so codified.  

A person is not defined by the part he or she plays in a drama, whether onstage or on paper or canvas.  Should a person not be able to willingly step into a role to play some part?  Must all images be submitted to The Proper Authorities for approval?  

I am not making my point well at all.  But the life of the human mind and its fantasies and desires are well portrayed in the history of art.  

"Art," you say?  What is "art"?

Indeed.  We need not use the term.  

It used to be fun to collaborate with people to make things.  Together we/they determine a direction and expression and then you go on to see what happens.  And if the collaborators are pleased, it's a go.  

I mean, nothing's perfect.  

But I enjoyed the program.  You may, too.  

I am a ball of anxiety this morning for little reason.  But I can't seem to stop shaking.  My hands tremble, my body quivers.  Everything seems to be going wrong.  

I read my horoscope for the year after I posted yesterday.  Nope, my luck is not going to change any time soon if astrologers are correct.  I can expect more beatings for awhile.  I don't have to go looking for them, either.  I can just hide inside and wait.  They will come to me.  

I have much to do now.  I have house cleaners coming, both inside and out.  The wrecking crew comes today, and I have scheduled the house and apartment to be pressure washed as well.  I can't tell you why, but it is stressing me out beyond reason.  

I am a mess.  Just a big mess.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you posted something of the Girl Period. I enjoy the Street and actually I dig the Buildings- the perspective you capture in those makes things unsettled - and there is - well I think - a power in unsettling when engaging with - art aka Makings. Whatever.

    The desire to make - to create IS dreaming awake isn't it?

    Aren't we all born with it? One must/should tap into that part of the brain - I think - in every facet of living.

    The best managers in a widget factory should be inspiring dreams and artistic cooperation amongst their workers.

    Fear makes people shut off their creative spirit - well maybe - it's an undeveloped hack theory. I've got nothing to back it up - other than knowing people who have felt afraid of going to a museum because they worry or fear they "don't understand it."

    I love it more than anything - Makings.

    And there is nothing quite so lovely an experience as being part of seeing someone - open up and experience t a painting or sculpture. Music. A book.

    Course it fucks you up sometimes but in the best most human way.

    Is there a Proper Authority?

    That would be a Dolores Umbridge - banning Magic at Hogwarts.

    Okies. I could drone on and on. But I want to get jammy-fied. I got home late. Tuesdays and Fridays are the busiest patient days. I'm ready for Spring. It's coming soon right?

    Sending what calming Light I can muster to your trembling hands, dear Maker.

