Tuesday, September 3, 2024

F*** You Old People

I just wrote and trashed a blog post.  I've become an idiot.  Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit.  Maybe it has all been dribble.  So here.  I'll post a photo of my take on the human condition. Victims of fate and circumstance or architects of our own demise?  

You be the judge.

She was a lover of animals.  She volunteered at the Humane Society as I recall.  She kept exotic animals in her home.  

I dreamed last night that I was in a small, far western mountain town taking pictures.  They would have been the most stunning photos I had ever taken, but. .  my camera wouldn't work.  

"What do you think it means, doc?"

One anecdote before I go.  Yesterday, I went out to the park to do my old man shuffle run at the Pars course.  It is a half mile loop.  I stop at four stations to do pushups, crunches, air squats, and rows.  Four times around.  Two miles.  But, since the accident, I can't really breathe, and at each station, I am very out of breath.  As I leaned up against a sign, chest heaving, sweat pouring, a woman walked by then came back.  

"Are you O.K.?"

Holy moly!  I must have looked as though I was having a heart attack or a stroke.  We chatted for a minute and then she showed me her scar from a recent hip replacement surgery.  I was happy that she volunteered to show me her upper thigh, at least.  Still. . . . 

That's what I have, a bad dream and a bad shuffle run.  Now I am running behind schedule.  I have become more slothful than ever and just drop stuff all over the house without picking it up and putting it away . The maids come today, so I have a lot of putting away to do.  

Such is life.  

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