Monday, September 9, 2024

Just the Facts

My god. . . I'm at it again.  I have just written for an hour about mysticism and love.  I even tried writing in second person.  Too much pleading my case.  Garbage.  Mush.  

So. . . here's what I know.  I bought two new pairs of shoes yesterday at REI.  Trail running shoes.  My feet need more support than the running shoes were giving.  I was warned once by a famous, retired NYC lit prof that "One day, you'll need good shoes."  I now know what he means.  

I am excited about the shoes and I can't wait to wear them.  But holy moly, they were expensive.  I spent hundreds of dollars on them.  How is it true?  

I am thinking about getting some Vans, too.  They still make the original 1969 shoe that launched the company.  I think I want some Vans.  

These are facts.  I am better sticking with the facts.  

Here's another.  I've watched this thing about a hundred times and can't stop laughing.  When I am driving in the car and think about it, I laugh uncontrollably.  Hell, as I write this, I am laughing now.  Why?  It is horrible and stupid and typical stuff.  It does seem, however, the Ur-source of all slapstick.  I mean, its humor is ancient.  I've sent it to friends, but no one has thought it as funny as I have.  I won't be insulted if you don't, either.  Odds are great that you won't.  But oh fuck. . . .


I wish I'd made more video in my life.  Here's something stupid I pieced together yesterday.  

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