Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Loser Leaves Town

If I don't try to write to a certain audience and if I can keep from trying to make an appeal, perhaps something decent might befall this page.  

Might befall this page?  WTF?  So far. . . .

I'd be lying if I were to declare myself uninterested in watching tonight's presidential debate.  I'll need to find a source on my cable-less t.v., but I am sure to.  And I'll be watching.  

That took me a minute to make.  Now. . . what was I saying?  Oh, yea. . . tonight will be epic as the citizens of Gotham look on in fascination and horror.  As will I.  

I just spent minutes trying to find a Joker vs Catwoman video on YouTube, but the one I found was stupid.  I've been wasting a lot of time on this.  

I'm supposed to be sticking to the facts.  

So. . . I told my mother we needed to do more than simply sit around chatting every afternoon.  I suggested we go up the street to a Chili's to have a beer sometimes.  She liked the idea.  I wondered if her 90 year old neighbor might not like to join us.  When I left my mother's house, I saw her neighbor walking her dog, so I pulled to the curb, rolled down my window, and called to her.  She has macular degeneration and so she stared at me and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me.  I was wondering. . . ."

Oh, yes. . . she is down for an afternoon out.  And so, I've committed.  It's a good commitment, I think, and should be interesting.  As they say, it sure beats sitting around the house.  I think about half my mother's neighborhood will get in on the act.  It could become a weekly Happy Hour for her street.  

I'm a swell guy.  My mother says I have a tender heart.  I think so, too, but I have to wonder what happened?  

The big question is never, "don't you want somebody to love," though.  It is who will love you back?  

"Be careful of the bait you use," my dead ex-friend Brando used to say about attracting women.  "It will determine what you catch."

But I've never gone fishing, really.  I've always been hooked.  

It has been, however, a catch and release situation.  

Fact--they all love somebody else, now.  So much for a "tender heart."

But my mother's neighbors like me and think I'm swell, so. . . Chile's.  Now I've only been to a Chili's once.  I was on the way home from the beach with Ili and it was her suggestion.  

"You're kidding."  

"No.  They have the coldest little beers you've ever had."

And it was true.  I've never drunk a colder beer.  And they were small.  That was many years ago, though, so who knows?  We will see. 

Maybe tonight.  I'm not sure.  Tennessee is back in town and on his own and wants to go to dinner tonight, happy hour tomorrow, and dinner Friday.  My mother has a cardiology appointment on Friday morning, so I don't know if she wants to go out on Thursday night.  Perhaps I should scoop the gals up and take them this afternoon.  Maybe I'd have time for dinner after that and still be home to watch the spectacle.  I'll have to decide soon as I will be seeing T at the gym in a bit.  

Meanwhile, it rains for days and days.  It is depressing, but worse.  The lakes have risen and the ground is wet.  Soggy.  Full.  And more rain is on the way.  If we get a major storm, many places will be underwater again, houses flooded where developers have built in flood plains and politicians have sanctioned it.  And if that happens yet again, home insurance will be impossible to afford in my own home state. Everyone will bear the cost.  

I will refrain from opining on Greed, however.  Just now.  

Who do you think that couple at the top of the post will vote for?  If you know anything about The Villages, you might think they were probably Trumpers, but polling data right now shows Harris is more popular with the elderly.  I don't believe there are people right now still trying to decide who they will vote for.  Trumpers are all in.  Harris's people may be less sure.  The election is going to come down to a razor thin margin. . . unbelievably.  It will matter how many people for either side actually get out to vote.  Maybe, if Trump comes off as he has lately, less lucid and more insane, maybe those people walking out of his campaign rallies won't bother to go to the voting booth.  But, if Harris comes off as The Giggler tonight, ibid. 

It won't matter if I watch the debate or not.  I know how I'm voting.  But I will watch.  

With the rest of Gotham.  

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