Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Where the F*** Is Batman?

I'm getting my assed kicked by some yellow dog liberals right now because I didn't think Harris did a good job last night.  But I'll get to that.  

Before the debate, I had to visit with my mother then go to dinner with Tennessee.  We went to a good sushi place but had Wagu beef instead.  It is Magical Dining here in town.  I don't know if this is just a regional thing or if it takes place around the country.  I don't really understand it, but what I know is that once a year participating restaurants in the area offer prix fix meals that people find enticing, and part of the money goes to some charity.  I've never participated before, but last night the $40 menu looked pretty good, so we both ordered from it.  Dinner done, Tennessee dropped me off at my house with plenty of time before the debate.  I asked if he wanted to come in, but he said he needed to get home and let the dogs out.  I had time to sink into an Epsom salts soak with an after dinner drink and take the edge off the day.  

I dried off just in time.  

I watched the debate in horror.  Trump was more Trumpish than ever, talking about 11th month abortions and Haitians eating people's pets and lying as he always does.  He looked like a man on the verge of exploding, red, puffy, sweating, and seemingly having trouble breathing.  Harris was rote, trying to remember what they had rehearsed in mock debates the past week, it seemed.  She oscillated between pleading tones and vicious Trump-like attacks.  I thought she was marginally better that Biden was in the last debate.  

So I said, my fear being that Trumpers love Trump no matter how ridiculous or absurd he is, but Harris' support isn't as full-blown.  As bad as Trump was, I don't know that he lost any votes, but I wasn't sure Harris gained any.  It's all about who goes to the voting booth (or mails in ballots--O.K.), and I'm just not sure Harris won on that account.  And I'm not thinking that Swifties are going to make a difference no matter how the NYTimes gushes.  As a matter of fact, the Times saw a completely different debate than I.  Harris, apparently, kicked Trump's ass.  I mean. . . she was better factually, but it was more about getting supporters to the polls.  

Trump will get more of Harris' supporters to the polls than she will, I think.  

Having said that, I got attacked for fearing a strong woman.  I said I'd vote for Liz Cheney over Harris.  

"She's not running."


Trump is unhinged, but so are his supporters.  What can you do?  I'm going back to watching Gunsmoke and let my liberal friends save democracy.  As my more cynical friends say, "They are all politicians.  What do you expect?"

Politics and sports.  The seasons go on too long and they are both about incredible sums of money.  

"Who do you think will win?"

"Oh. . . it's sure to be close, but I think the Red Team has the advantage.  They just seem to have more insanity and meanness, you know?  I think it will come down to the 4th quarter, though.  The Blue Team has been improving all season long.  Yea. . . it will be close."

"Are you going to the game?"

"Are you shitting me?  Do you know what tickets cost?  Ha!"

And still, the stadium will be packed and advertisers will spend a lot of money to engage the crowd that has been assembled.  

"Ford F-150."

"Nah, man, that Tesla pickup truck.  That's the new thing,"

O.K.  I'm done with it.  Oh. . . Christ. . . I gotta go.  "Gilligan's Island" is about to come on!  

See you later.  

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