Thursday, October 3, 2024

Lo-Fi, Snapshot, Vernacular. . . Fool

Woke up feeling bad in the wee hours of the morning.  Still do.  Just when I was getting ready to get vaccinated, too.  Maybe I should test for the 'vid.  If I have that, I shouldn't get the vaccine for months.  I've read that.  It must be true.  

I love these low-fi, saturated images, even the blurry ones.  Maybe "especially."  Why do people be hating on them?  "Pearls before swine," I say.  As I hinted yesterday, they are "niche."  I like the "snapshot aesthetic," photography in the "vernacular."  

So. . . yea. . . I've got the lingo down.  Have I convinced you yet?  I have a million--well, tens of--ideas for using this "look."  I just need someone to help me.  This is my plaintive cry.  If only someone could hear me!


"Man up you coward."

That's why I never ask for help.  Some atavistic manhood thing.  I don't whine in public, only here under the guise of faux confession.  The people I run with know no mercy.  

Maybe I have some mosquito-borne disease.  There are plenty of them.  

That's all I've got.  My tank is empty.  Maybe I've been poisoned.  I'm an obvious and easy target.  Nobody has trouble picking me out of a crowd.  

"It was the blond Quasimodo fellow with the light blue eyes!"

Blond or blonde?  Somehow it seems feminine with an "e".  

O.K.  Enough of this fever dream.  Let's put on some music and skip to the Lou.  Or is it "lee."  I just looked it up.  It is "Lou" which is derived from a Scottish word meaning love.  I'm way off.  "Lee" comes from "leeward" which most people mispronounce (link).  I know this from my seafaring days.  You always piss off the leeward side of the boat and never the windward. . . if you have any sense at all.  So, you go to the lee.  

Tomorrow I'll school you in seafaring knots.  I have a giant book on them.  Now there's something you won't want to miss.  

I know I posted her live version of this a while back, but I heard this while driving yesterday.  Diana Krall?  Really?  

"You're getting old, man.  WTF?"

Yea, yea, yea.  

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